
Genre: proto-hyperpop

Play genre

Proto-hyperpop is a genre of music that blends elements of pop, electronic, and hip-hop music. It is characterized by its use of heavily processed vocals, glitchy beats, and bright, colorful production. The genre often features lyrics that are playful and irreverent, with a focus on themes like youth, love, and technology. Proto-hyperpop artists often experiment with unconventional song structures and incorporate a wide range of musical influences, from punk to trap to bubblegum pop.

Most popular proto-hyperpop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Proto-hyperpop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 439
2024 62
2023 112
2022 71
2021 96
2020 98
2010s 243
2019 64
2018 57
2017 44
2016 31
2015 30
2014 9
2013 7
2011 1
2000s 4
2008 2
2002 2
1990s 2
1999 1
1998 1
688 releases

Popular proto-hyperpop Songs

Top New proto-hyperpop Songs of 2024

proto-hyperpop music by decade

Explore proto-hyperpop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of proto-hyperpop artists

Here is a list of proto-hyperpop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the proto-hyperpop genre. You can find out what proto-hyperpop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 521628
2 57 159951
3 57 412213
4 49 275842
5 59 622175
6 46 124544
7 50 113598
8 45 89399
9 61 287428
10 39 60502
11 57 252703
12 55 153225
13 45 67886
14 32 73747
15 40 110161
16 50 181255
17 55 70283
18 37 41082
19 32 28012
20 41 52725
21 42 19460
22 52 241448
23 24 38035
24 32 10487
25 34 30121
26 34 15311
27 31 13422
28 47 201174
29 37 43772
30 50 78870
31 41 53504
32 20 4577
33 18 5332
34 46 26151
35 45 44402
36 42 15739
37 33 5850
38 41 27745
39 40 101308
40 37 11012
41 7 400
42 30 12920
43 34 10194
44 32 31915
45 31 2927
46 31 13897
47 29 8907
48 27 23194
49 25 20612
50 24 7694
51 12 13941
52 19 11848
53 26 6854
54 25 14250
55 16 12809
56 24 4238
57 20 15509
58 21 3856
59 21 11613
60 21 558
61 7 5148
62 14 2223
63 4 385
64 13 1302
65 13 4745
66 13 11872
67 13 3797
68 12 766
69 12 13211
70 12 1550
71 11 1364
72 7 10485
73 7 1864
74 6 10080
75 6 8647
76 4 2276
77 4 233
78 3 4514
79 3 1079
80 2 699
81 1 337
82 1 674
83 1 2181

proto-hyperpop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular proto-hyperpop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.