
Genre proto-punk

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Proto-punk music is a raw and rebellious predecessor to the punk rock movement, emerging in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Characterized by its stripped-down instrumentation, aggressive energy, and anti-establishment lyrics, proto-punk laid the groundwork for the later punk explosion. It often incorporated elements from garage rock, art rock, and rock 'n' roll, creating a distinct sound that challenged musical norms and inspired a new wave of musicians to embrace a DIY ethic. (AI Generated)

Most popular proto-punk artists

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Parent Genre: rock

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Instruments used

Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Horn Section, Piano, Organ, Acoustic Guitar

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Proto-punk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 547
2025 2
2024 95
2023 176
2022 103
2021 73
2020 98
2010s 841
2019 82
2018 77
2017 96
2016 75
2015 82
2014 83
2013 90
2012 70
2011 82
2010 104
2000s 607
2009 74
2008 75
2007 74
2006 69
2005 69
2004 58
2003 59
2002 46
2001 44
2000 39
1990s 410
1999 52
1998 35
1997 38
1996 42
1995 42
1994 43
1993 49
1992 40
1991 40
1990 29
1980s 414
1989 32
1988 31
1987 30
1986 42
1985 31
1984 34
1983 36
1982 49
1981 60
1980 69
1970s 520
1979 83
1978 84
1977 74
1976 37
1975 31
1974 46
1973 42
1972 39
1971 39
1970 45
1960s 264
1969 44
1968 56
1967 50
1966 58
1965 39
1964 9
1963 1
1962 2
1961 4
1960 1
1950s 4
1959 1
1958 1
1957 1
1955 1
3607 releases

proto-punk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular proto-punk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular proto-punk Songs

Top New proto-punk Songs of 2024

proto-punk music by decade

Explore proto-punk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of proto-punk artists

Here is a list of proto-punk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the proto-punk genre. You can find out what proto-punk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 48 450387
2 47 392780
3 43 169366
4 47 253819
5 46 217621
6 41 247507
7 55 887417
8 48 665814
9 44 253354
10 47 487892
11 49 658323
12 65 2780220
13 32 49409
14 54 544450
15 39 102743
16 41 164633
17 38 147460
18 31 51592
19 37 138157
20 29 38856
21 54 1906578
22 37 203204
23 31 64102
24 39 127548
25 31 72780
26 39 182450
27 38 141537
28 40 293990
29 33 99517
30 30 27405
31 34 102099
32 35 63919
33 32 71182
34 38 129787
35 30 55637
36 32 98062
37 42 161106
38 42 216113
39 31 72950
40 31 55184
41 30 70918
42 36 141292
43 46 332864
44 47 260495
45 29 8419
46 34 123620
47 34 82597
48 43 384881
49 62 1934460
50 37 107546
51 42 210510
52 42 203186
53 37 39341
54 35 60599
55 44 337865
56 34 13455
57 30 71140
58 62 3871025
59 33 76072
60 31 71987
61 41 96965
62 57 584525
63 60 1700649
64 62 2039812
65 60 1134423
66 35 101745
67 58 359964
68 63 2700680
69 37 56190
70 39 115495
71 41 184243
72 35 46428
73 32 60198
74 31 78790
75 45 210176
76 43 51182
77 41 142944
78 56 1198002
79 44 236708
80 38 233323
81 34 135999
82 36 13364
83 31 64536
84 44 117094
85 51 448215
86 34 66893
87 33 77330
88 49 298378
89 48 306916
90 46 139653
91 42 60246
92 42 178556
93 41 96682
94 30 42709
95 30 148364
96 38 111989
97 30 6407
98 32 16792
99 31 58956
100 29 54996