
Genre: punk blues

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Parent Genre: blues

Punk blues is a music genre that combines the raw energy and attitude of punk rock with the traditional sound of blues music. It often features distorted guitar riffs, heavy drums, and gritty vocals. The genre has gained popularity in recent years with bands that incorporate elements of punk blues into their music.

Most popular punk blues artists

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Related instruments

Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica

Popular punk blues Songs

Top New punk blues Songs of 2024

punk blues music by decade

Explore punk blues history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of punk blues artists

Here is a list of punk blues artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the punk blues genre. You can find out what punk blues genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 75 3930544
2 71 3064346
3 56 1318910
4 37 82870
5 28 28947
6 24 25182
7 20 10722
8 18 14464
9 47 256270
10 26 7032
11 75 3642255
12 35 61354
13 40 104574
14 24 17217
15 38 34997
16 23 14758
17 25 30809
18 27 21218
19 43 103380
20 12 5589
21 36 56397
22 39 69434
23 15 8361
24 24 9552
25 36 123123
26 13 10266
27 28 31848
28 21 11857
29 26 11261
30 22 7682
31 23 19479
32 9 3531
33 7 4136
34 19 14817
35 5 3154
36 26 13450
37 23 8013
38 3 1967
39 16 10061
40 2 2301
41 20 12161
42 20 17649
43 11 2111
44 22 18559
45 16 12653
46 23 18727
47 8 2910
48 21 20242
49 28 40441
50 12 5833
51 33 34344
52 8 4566
53 24 16555
54 22 11575
55 22 13852
56 3 2777
57 27 10506
58 14 11964
59 18 10223
60 14 5382
61 18 6551
62 16 5478
63 15 9209
64 16 8624
65 13 5428
66 9 3074
67 12 3569
68 4 2860
69 7 3372
70 5 1138
71 6 1005
72 5 964
73 4 1255
74 2 1156
75 3 977
76 3 1068
77 2 1394
78 2 839
79 2 1038
80 1 847
81 1 541
82 1 306
83 1 629
84 1 315

punk blues playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular punk blues music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.