
Genre: q-pop

Play genre

Q-pop music is a genre of pop music that originated in Kazakhstan and is characterized by a fusion of traditional Kazakh music elements with modern pop and electronic sounds. Q-pop artists often incorporate elements of rap and hip-hop into their music, and their lyrics often touch on themes of cultural identity, social issues, and personal experiences. The genre has gained popularity both within Kazakhstan and internationally, with a growing fanbase of listeners who appreciate its unique blend of traditional and contemporary musical styles.

Most popular q-pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Q-pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 304
2024 22
2023 112
2022 81
2021 42
2020 47
2010s 61
2019 38
2018 13
2017 6
2016 2
2015 2
2000s 2
2000 2
367 releases

Popular q-pop Songs

Top New q-pop Songs of 2024

q-pop music by decade

Explore q-pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of q-pop artists

Here is a list of q-pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the q-pop genre. You can find out what q-pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 40 43810
2 42 401232
3 34 60091
4 38 37776
5 37 18703
6 40 59208
7 36 95193
8 33 25422
9 32 69427
10 29 5995
11 27 6801
12 26 14862
13 25 5668
14 23 10302
15 21 1086
16 21 1682
17 20 558
18 22 66356
19 36 49670
20 19 3584
21 19 23937
22 35 100553
23 17 25780
24 17 11855
25 13 994
26 11 2105
27 12 957
28 12 1383
29 12 696
30 15 9699
31 13 12788
32 13 14066
33 13 4309
34 12 12505
35 8 1191
36 7 723
37 7 862
38 26 3287
39 3 273
40 6 4438
41 26 1292
42 5 5843
43 2 384
44 25 6079
45 24 5686
46 24 1557
47 4 4351
48 3 1946
49 3 3939
50 3 6244
51 21 1711
52 20 1069
53 19 1645
54 18 2828
55 18 1840
56 16 6899
57 15 1081
58 15 1752
59 14 1717
60 13 2430
61 12 217
62 6 1106
63 6 7998
64 11 1640
65 10 2586
66 10 921
67 10 666
68 9 882
69 9 776
70 9 1737
71 7 626
72 7 1529
73 6 802
74 6 1429
75 6 268
76 6 405
77 6 2534
78 6 773
79 5 709
80 5 619
81 5 985
82 5 2911
83 5 761
84 4 737
85 4 1010
86 4 1196
87 4 1023
88 4 2461
89 4 1485
90 3 349
91 3 694
92 3 2271
93 3 311
94 3 425
95 3 581
96 3 1616
97 2 695
98 2 372
99 2 445
100 2 506

q-pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular q-pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.