
Genre ragga

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Ragga music, short for "raggamuffin," is a subgenre of dancehall music that emerged in the 1980s, characterized by its fusion of reggae rhythms with electronic instrumentation and digital beats. Often featuring rapid-fire lyrical delivery and a focus on social themes, it maintains a vibrant and energetic sound that has significantly influenced the development of modern Jamaican music. (AI Generated)

Most popular ragga artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Ragga genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 3078
2025 9
2024 490
2023 972
2022 574
2021 493
2020 540
2010s 3883
2019 469
2018 421
2017 365
2016 376
2015 417
2014 389
2013 373
2012 419
2011 362
2010 292
2000s 1479
2009 254
2008 160
2007 177
2006 196
2005 195
2004 103
2003 95
2002 99
2001 77
2000 123
1990s 651
1999 93
1998 77
1997 67
1996 57
1995 74
1994 66
1993 58
1992 68
1991 59
1990 32
1980s 245
1989 16
1988 23
1987 29
1986 19
1985 34
1984 25
1983 25
1982 41
1981 17
1980 16
1970s 110
1979 26
1978 11
1977 14
1976 21
1975 9
1974 4
1973 11
1972 5
1971 7
1970 2
1960s 10
1969 6
1968 4
1900s 1
1905 1
9457 releases

ragga playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular ragga music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular ragga Songs

Top New ragga Songs of 2024

ragga music by decade

Explore ragga history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of ragga artists

Here is a list of ragga artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the ragga genre. You can find out what ragga genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 57 307919
2 55 445328
3 52 395168
4 56 646254
5 54 613971
6 52 467026
7 46 180834
8 46 394197
9 45 243853
10 45 232247
11 60 672952
12 59 584646
13 59 85799
14 56 743600
15 54 372789
16 51 370531
17 49 195204
18 49 335098
19 48 149212
20 49 317426
21 46 190380
22 46 189478
23 66 1711011
24 64 1227808
25 66 1733361
26 63 521298
27 61 419255
28 59 536023
29 56 611195
30 54 368385
31 56 433750
32 54 656690
33 50 230350
34 49 266785
35 51 379791
36 54 1155691
37 53 676696
38 48 205380
39 47 374862
40 49 128168
41 51 269437
42 46 1535
43 46 361631
44 50 138685
45 49 526022
46 49 249847
47 48 384283
48 46 60443
49 48 557652
50 45 52903
51 45 189755
52 47 195264
53 53 110900
54 55 12423
55 56 669625
56 58 1382475
57 53 101332
58 53 273052
59 47 189177
60 48 20361
61 46 332937
62 46 58026
63 60 13699
64 54 202145
65 59 690672
66 56 724047
67 55 397962
68 46 45801
69 55 189175
70 55 201368
71 45 125844
72 51 309207
73 50 232304
74 47 206581
75 46 147668
76 52 169720
77 58 538399
78 48 167012
79 48 121179
80 47 117319
81 45 185096
82 50 15312
83 48 33335
84 62 115054
85 51 85877
86 47 43214
87 46 17098
88 45 29018
89 49 78742
90 58 171244
91 56 86250
92 56 94283
93 52 168071
94 50 77092
95 46 39905
96 49 10573
97 48 87674
98 45 44373
99 46 20208
100 45 5443