
Genre ragtime

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Ragtime is a popular music genre that originated in the late 19th century in the United States. It is characterized by its syncopated rhythms and lively melodies, often played on the piano. Ragtime was popularized in the early 20th century and became a significant influence on jazz music. It is known for its complex musical arrangements and improvisation. Ragtime has been performed by many notable musicians, and its legacy can still be heard in contemporary music today. (AI Generated)

Most popular ragtime artists

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Parent Genre: jazz

Related genres

Instruments used

Piano, Drum Kit, Trumpet, Trombone, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Double Bass, Harmonica, Violin, Cello, Flute, Oboe, French Horn

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Ragtime genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 345
2025 1
2024 34
2023 87
2022 67
2021 75
2020 81
2010s 756
2019 65
2018 66
2017 64
2016 47
2015 61
2014 86
2013 98
2012 91
2011 94
2010 84
2000s 679
2009 117
2008 85
2007 69
2006 77
2005 73
2004 43
2003 38
2002 49
2001 27
2000 101
1990s 499
1999 54
1998 40
1997 48
1996 50
1995 50
1994 60
1993 50
1992 58
1991 60
1990 29
1980s 62
1989 18
1988 14
1987 11
1986 4
1985 3
1984 1
1983 4
1982 3
1981 2
1980 2
1970s 67
1979 2
1978 8
1977 4
1976 9
1975 8
1974 11
1973 8
1972 4
1971 1
1970 12
1960s 63
1969 4
1968 4
1967 3
1966 6
1965 9
1964 4
1963 6
1962 11
1961 8
1960 8
1950s 68
1959 12
1958 13
1957 8
1956 8
1955 10
1954 5
1953 3
1952 2
1951 2
1950 5
1940s 24
1949 3
1948 1
1947 3
1946 2
1944 5
1943 3
1941 4
1940 3
1930s 56
1939 5
1938 5
1937 3
1936 2
1935 10
1934 3
1933 5
1932 7
1931 7
1930 9
1920s 125
1929 7
1928 19
1927 22
1926 21
1925 11
1924 10
1923 16
1922 5
1921 4
1920 10
1910s 21
1919 4
1918 2
1917 1
1916 2
1915 2
1914 3
1913 3
1912 2
1910 2
1900s 7
1909 2
1904 1
1903 2
1902 1
1901 1
1890s 1
1899 1
2773 releases

ragtime playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular ragtime music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular ragtime Songs

Top New ragtime Songs of 2024

Most popular ragtime albums

The Prince Of Egypt (Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Swing With Western
Trio, Quartet, Big Band and Guests, Vol. 3 (1936 - 1939)
The Art Tatum Solo Masterpieces, Vol. 1 [Original Jazz Classics Remasters]
How Far Is It To Bethlehem?
Late Night Benny Goodman
Classic Early Solos (1934-1937)

ragtime music by decade

Explore ragtime history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of ragtime artists

Here is a list of ragtime artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the ragtime genre. You can find out what ragtime genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 50 414742
2 51 400352
3 35 31620
4 42 134169
5 36 22660
6 37 55702
7 29 5677
8 34 33900
9 34 13650
10 32 28134
11 29 20935
12 29 6831
13 28 24165
14 28 16550
15 27 22724
16 45 137772
17 42 81250
18 36 28350
19 37 153703
20 34 9799
21 33 47899
22 33 8145
23 29 6829
24 28 7712
25 29 19929
26 29 8788
27 29 4877
28 26 22422
29 25 6519
30 26 31661
31 26 1045
32 25 8433
33 43 166978
34 37 140188
35 34 42760
36 34 15568
37 31 2008
38 31 2530
39 27 31927
40 31 73784
41 36 18462
42 34 7277
43 30 59120
44 26 566
45 27 9901
46 28 62231
47 27 1003
48 27 29475
49 27 71353
50 26 8183
51 26 45290
52 30 24598
53 27 3023
54 30 12160
55 29 30157
56 54 479943
57 25 6895
58 30 1172
59 26 7030
60 26 4999
61 27 23859
62 43 85137
63 47 331392
64 45 1652
65 41 42344
66 27 17322
67 37 1164
68 34 1672
69 36 3325
70 31 4251
71 38 11970
72 38 9893
73 38 3923
74 39 32158
75 32 918
76 33 2245
77 28 4634
78 28 1179
79 32 1105
80 25 1214
81 28 522
82 35 11743
83 29 6056
84 31 17119
85 31 1710
86 31 676
87 30 34645
88 30 9679
89 30 1072
90 29 2539
91 29 18137
92 29 9752
93 28 1613
94 25 1600
95 26 740
96 26 6836
97 26 293
98 26 550
99 26 13150
100 25 2991