
Genre: rai algerien

Play genre

Rai Algerien is a popular music genre originating from Algeria that combines traditional Algerian folk music with modern Western music elements. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, use of electronic instruments, and lyrics that often focus on love, relationships, and social issues. The music is often accompanied by dance, and the genre has gained popularity not only in Algeria but also in other parts of North Africa and Europe.

Most popular rai algerien artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Rai Algerien genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1277
2024 80
2023 619
2022 284
2021 176
2020 118
2010s 238
2019 69
2018 43
2017 40
2016 26
2015 16
2014 15
2013 11
2012 8
2011 4
2010 6
2000s 4
2008 1
2002 1
2000 2
1990s 3
1999 2
1991 1
1980s 3
1989 1
1988 1
1986 1
1525 releases

Popular rai algerien Songs

Top New rai algerien Songs of 2024

rai algerien music by decade

Explore rai algerien history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of rai algerien artists

Here is a list of rai algerien artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the rai algerien genre. You can find out what rai algerien genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 48 487435
2 50 841884
3 46 393135
4 44 365873
5 43 300623
6 42 216461
7 39 134373
8 33 99905
9 36 200718
10 33 154548
11 28 288292
12 31 139740
13 30 196909
14 48 108618
15 47 462684
16 27 70368
17 27 67485
18 22 56792
19 44 204083
20 43 465983
21 43 48084
22 43 28364
23 23 104968
24 40 115131
25 40 215148
26 39 182511
27 39 181736
28 39 117089
29 39 141217
30 20 64094
31 37 72178
32 36 62506
33 36 15453
34 35 112381
35 35 25181
36 33 170124
37 33 125930
38 33 222297
39 31 183801
40 31 93083
41 30 82306
42 30 156431
43 30 72868
44 29 52338
45 26 162274
46 25 88142
47 24 99811
48 23 131866
49 23 26651
50 21 96226
51 21 10724
52 21 101662
53 20 50387
54 18 4844
55 18 8730
56 18 45259
57 17 32546
58 16 5829
59 13 11502
60 13 66461
61 13 28322
62 12 13010
63 12 20666
64 11 16316
65 11 12053
66 11 12969
67 11 77478
68 11 3277
69 8 2367
70 7 5869
71 6 2187
72 6 644
73 6 18739
74 6 5322
75 5 1264
76 3 1281
77 3 43177
78 3 1889
79 3 28842
80 2 2991
81 2 78
82 2 220
83 1 4925
84 1 3948
85 1 1852
86 1 9003
87 1 1392
88 1 1222

rai algerien playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular rai algerien music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.