
Genre rain

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Rain music is a genre that is characterized by its pure relaxing vibes, which are perfect for unwinding after a long day. It is inspired by the northerly nature and the sound of pluvia, which creates a calming and soothing atmosphere. This genre is perfect for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse themselves in a peaceful and tranquil environment. (AI Generated)

Most popular rain artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Rain genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1891
2025 1
2024 137
2023 375
2022 438
2021 742
2020 198
2010s 68
2019 53
2018 4
2017 10
2014 1
2000s 1
2008 1
1960 releases

rain playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular rain music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular rain Songs

Top New rain Songs of 2024

rain music by decade

Explore rain history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of rain artists

Here is a list of rain artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the rain genre. You can find out what rain genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 50 761
2 71 24756
3 64 1245
4 58 632
5 66 3345
6 66 7949
7 59 1436
8 53 3634
9 53 781
10 59 695
11 63 2684
12 63 1507
13 50 2380
14 53 722
15 55 1739
16 51 979
17 50 3358
18 55 3993
19 53 1207
20 52 1193
21 54 409
22 59 1489
23 59 935
24 52 3764
25 51 1107
26 51 1426
27 52 1503
28 49 1564
29 56 766
30 56 1143
31 56 670
32 56 982
33 55 1623
34 55 1084
35 55 623
36 55 473
37 55 850
38 54 521
39 54 1106
40 54 246
41 50 219
42 53 347
43 53 437
44 53 1013
45 53 1247
46 53 415
47 48 164
48 52 707
49 52 1038
50 52 692
51 52 294
52 51 275
53 51 1286
54 51 453
55 51 850
56 51 269
57 51 933
58 51 2364
59 51 309
60 51 583
61 51 344
62 51 212
63 51 162
64 50 197
65 50 350
66 50 620
67 50 249
68 50 243
69 50 294
70 50 266
71 50 381
72 50 526
73 50 583
74 50 516
75 50 604
76 50 387
77 50 877
78 50 1163
79 50 522
80 50 520
81 49 384
82 49 177
83 49 203
84 49 153
85 49 348
86 49 145
87 49 211
88 49 1287
89 49 297
90 49 243
91 49 696
92 49 880
93 49 588
94 49 480
95 49 260
96 49 633
97 49 216
98 48 250
99 48 317
100 48 384