
Genre: rap chretien

Play genre

Rap chrétien is a subgenre of Christian music that combines the rhythm and flow of rap with lyrics that focus on faith, spirituality, and Christian values. The genre often features uplifting messages and encourages listeners to live a life of positivity and love. The artists in this genre use their music to spread the word of God and inspire their audience to connect with their faith.

Most popular rap chretien artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Rap Chretien genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 507
2024 56
2023 186
2022 125
2021 83
2020 57
2010s 50
2019 22
2018 14
2017 6
2016 5
2014 1
2013 1
2010 1
2000s 1
2005 1
1990s 1
1998 1
559 releases

Popular rap chretien Songs

Top New rap chretien Songs of 2024

rap chretien music by decade

Explore rap chretien history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of rap chretien artists

Here is a list of rap chretien artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the rap chretien genre. You can find out what rap chretien genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 49 105815
2 50 28908
3 47 58598
4 42 30268
5 42 34836
6 39 22648
7 37 19813
8 31 20531
9 36 24994
10 36 26061
11 35 19307
12 29 5327
13 33 7377
14 32 50005
15 32 15642
16 27 18429
17 31 12753
18 31 12301
19 30 1666
20 30 16634
21 30 9467
22 25 7736
23 25 19322
24 29 7217
25 28 13735
26 28 16241
27 28 24734
28 28 2649
29 28 9621
30 27 7047
31 27 2780
32 26 6499
33 26 2299
34 26 8368
35 25 21525
36 25 2376
37 25 10338
38 24 7831
39 24 3804
40 23 3623
41 23 4921
42 23 7495
43 23 804
44 22 6892
45 22 1698
46 22 10561
47 21 507
48 21 963
49 16 3960
50 17 4494
51 20 11767
52 20 2810
53 20 7619
54 20 6601
55 20 8841
56 20 6910
57 19 6368
58 19 1843
59 19 196
60 18 3794
61 18 1864
62 18 3450
63 18 661
64 18 4309
65 18 2159
66 18 4050
67 17 3580
68 17 956
69 17 2284
70 16 1272
71 16 12477
72 16 2091
73 16 561
74 16 470
75 16 1005
76 16 1873
77 16 1282
78 16 2286
79 16 954
80 15 2991
81 15 1748
82 15 756
83 15 3593
84 12 3774
85 14 1265
86 14 739
87 14 643
88 14 1236
89 14 833
90 14 1235
91 14 4200
92 13 1748
93 12 813
94 12 577
95 12 932
96 12 392
97 11 2641
98 10 402
99 10 1186
100 10 1829

rap chretien playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular rap chretien music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.