
Genre: rap francais nouvelle vague

Play genre

Rap français nouvelle vague is a subgenre of French rap that emerged in the early 2010s. It is characterized by its experimental and eclectic approach to production, incorporating elements of electronic, pop, and world music. The lyrics often touch on themes of social and political issues, personal struggles, and identity. The artists of this genre are known for their unique style and innovative sound.

Most popular rap francais nouvelle vague artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Rap Francais Nouvelle Vague genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 418
2024 43
2023 110
2022 97
2021 113
2020 55
2010s 59
2019 30
2018 17
2017 8
2015 3
2014 1
477 releases

Popular rap francais nouvelle vague Songs

Top New rap francais nouvelle vague Songs of 2024

rap francais nouvelle vague music by decade

Explore rap francais nouvelle vague history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of rap francais nouvelle vague artists

Here is a list of rap francais nouvelle vague artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the rap francais nouvelle vague genre. You can find out what rap francais nouvelle vague genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 57 80555
2 57 68867
3 54 78620
4 50 55472
5 45 39105
6 41 22737
7 41 5561
8 33 13004
9 34 19533
10 33 7839
11 40 18668
12 40 21647
13 39 15383
14 38 47504
15 32 16854
16 30 7181
17 35 32780
18 37 7373
19 37 9770
20 33 10967
21 32 7707
22 32 5751
23 32 23921
24 30 2799
25 24 9642
26 22 3050
27 28 5807
28 28 7630
29 28 11999
30 20 4572
31 27 25602
32 25 8217
33 24 11500
34 18 2662
35 22 3502
36 15 1689
37 20 6788
38 19 3667
39 19 3063
40 19 4765
41 14 2901
42 18 3483
43 16 2406
44 17 1614
45 17 7967
46 17 1933
47 10 2077
48 16 117
49 16 2980
50 16 1224
51 15 3345
52 14 2524
53 13 2628
54 13 3535
55 12 1196
56 12 2228
57 12 812
58 11 1903
59 10 649
60 9 2351
61 8 707
62 7 897
63 7 1085
64 6 665
65 6 866
66 6 243
67 6 229
68 5 1356
69 5 1161
70 5 1129
71 5 1487
72 5 1388
73 5 659
74 4 485
75 4 139
76 3 561
77 3 1676
78 3 455
79 3 530
80 2 687
81 2 613
82 1 533
83 1 122
84 1 119
85 1 459
86 1 756
87 1 246
88 1 596
89 1 1034
90 1 397
91 1 111

rap francais nouvelle vague playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular rap francais nouvelle vague music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.