
Genre: rap uliczny

Play genre

Rap uliczny is a subgenre of hip-hop music that originated in Poland. It is characterized by its raw and gritty sound, often featuring lyrics that touch on social and political issues. The beats are typically hard-hitting and the flow is fast-paced. The artists who perform in this style often come from disadvantaged backgrounds and use their music as a means of expressing their struggles and experiences.

Most popular rap uliczny artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Rap Uliczny genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 171
2024 14
2023 37
2022 46
2021 39
2020 35
2010s 212
2019 33
2018 41
2017 29
2016 33
2015 21
2014 24
2013 4
2012 13
2011 10
2010 4
2000s 20
2009 2
2008 5
2007 2
2006 2
2005 3
2004 2
2002 2
2001 1
2000 1
1990s 1
1999 1
404 releases

Popular rap uliczny Songs

Top New rap uliczny Songs of 2024

rap uliczny music by decade

Explore rap uliczny history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of rap uliczny artists

Here is a list of rap uliczny artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the rap uliczny genre. You can find out what rap uliczny genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 35004
2 59 581450
3 59 96698
4 54 47185
5 52 66735
6 52 168409
7 51 105008
8 50 90040
9 49 120886
10 49 127681
11 49 121109
12 48 86735
13 48 146386
14 45 202968
15 47 28010
16 47 108070
17 47 91723
18 45 21087
19 45 38392
20 45 81818
21 44 21324
22 44 69278
23 43 41528
24 43 45050
25 42 84564
26 42 56387
27 39 30354
28 38 43749
29 38 14953
30 38 80491
31 38 36271
32 35 23126
33 36 25260
34 35 22532
35 35 48696
36 33 24313
37 33 42462
38 30 11367
39 31 1732
40 28 34746
41 30 39062
42 30 15927
43 30 46801
44 30 33106
45 22 14542
46 20 14603
47 18 40250
48 8 19747
49 51 60831
50 44 13737
51 39 32407
52 36 14397
53 36 14490
54 36 5969
55 35 7607
56 34 13490
57 33 1131
58 29 4532
59 23 573
60 25 1586
61 25 1342
62 25 182
63 24 3324
64 23 4666
65 23 19809
66 22 18728
67 22 2935
68 19 33168
69 21 1370
70 21 1160
71 16 514
72 16 9836
73 15 10141
74 15 1130
75 15 1143
76 12 296
77 11 2700
78 10 2876
79 9 2422
80 9 2025
81 9 285
82 8 1496
83 8 1216
84 8 2562
85 7 498
86 7 24852
87 6 382
88 6 665
89 5 30720
90 5 136
91 4 347
92 3 118
93 3 64
94 3 893
95 3 1888
96 2 68
97 2 1318
98 1 6676
99 1 625

rap uliczny playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular rap uliczny music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.