
Genre: rap

Play genre

Rap music is a genre that originated in African American communities in the United States. It is characterized by rhythmic and rhyming speech, often accompanied by beats and electronic instrumentation. The lyrics often address social and political issues, personal experiences, and boastful claims. The genre has evolved over time, with subgenres such as trap and mumble rap gaining popularity. Contemporary rap music often features collaborations with artists from other genres, and has become a mainstream cultural force.

Most popular rap artists

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Parent Genre: Hip Hop

Sub genres

Related genres

Instruments used

Vocals, Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Drum Machine, Sampler, Turntables, Keyboard/Piano, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Horn Section

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Rap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2554
2024 409
2023 615
2022 608
2021 456
2020 466
2010s 2795
2019 361
2018 466
2017 362
2016 319
2015 363
2014 227
2013 229
2012 170
2011 157
2010 141
2000s 681
2009 106
2008 81
2007 82
2006 71
2005 84
2004 54
2003 69
2002 51
2001 46
2000 37
1990s 218
1999 38
1998 27
1997 38
1996 31
1995 20
1994 22
1993 23
1992 7
1991 4
1990 8
1980s 24
1989 6
1988 6
1987 2
1986 5
1985 3
1984 2
6272 releases

Popular rap Songs

Top New rap Songs of 2024

rap music by decade

Explore rap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of rap artists

Here is a list of rap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the rap genre. You can find out what rap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 79 5010267
2 75 4843389
3 78 3096072
4 77 5645321
5 77 14023926
6 80 11200049
7 76 8090424
8 75 4790350
9 82 11223179
10 85 10489781
11 79 6970994
12 93 18760396
13 74 7956106
14 74 3344267
15 76 5522842
16 79 4396311
17 81 8027942
18 75 6020140
19 87 15302872
20 77 7339429
21 79 12230421
22 73 5924122
23 85 17759405
24 82 7047202
25 84 15560092
26 83 12575263
27 85 9450364
28 96 92294533
29 75 3021065
30 78 5177797
31 73 2630174
32 74 3214596
33 76 2825893
34 74 1337051
35 73 6236100
36 79 3932043
37 75 6092922
38 78 1879093
39 80 7224580
40 74 11644910
41 87 8061605
42 73 4745256
43 89 20174152
44 81 10194076
45 80 7577439
46 73 3891050
47 81 12417803
48 92 33224472
49 74 9062919
50 81 19003413
51 74 2080993
52 79 10744445
53 82 13361363
54 93 27357252
55 77 4671728
56 87 18634957
57 82 10984177
58 76 2102728
59 93 90405315
60 86 24612054
61 73 2997746
62 86 15018319
63 82 9835522
64 81 2296841
65 79 8440302
66 86 16408133
67 78 3338410
68 73 3492786
69 83 10888675
70 77 10874275
71 79 14522042
72 73 3566092
73 83 12169023
74 77 2561853
75 92 45473734
76 78 5430995
77 88 35508980
78 89 11839306
79 90 23417149
80 84 7864984
81 88 23337675
82 79 8975232
83 82 7173071
84 85 6512080
85 83 9015905
86 87 32418605
87 77 7887667
88 94 33342452
89 88 46853987
90 80 6845656
91 84 9792251
92 73 10913048
93 90 9321372
94 76 7867983
95 81 11787103
96 80 24488078
97 86 4998373
98 77 5094604
99 82 13148313
100 79 8603551

rap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular rap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.