
Genre: redneck

Play genre

Redneck music is a genre that blends country, rock, and hip-hop elements to create a unique sound that celebrates rural life and Southern culture. The lyrics often touch on topics like hunting, fishing, trucks, and partying, and the music is characterized by heavy guitar riffs, catchy hooks, and a strong beat. The artists who perform this style of music are known for their rebellious attitudes and unapologetic embrace of their redneck roots.

Most popular redneck artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Redneck genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 848
2024 117
2023 238
2022 182
2021 154
2020 157
2010s 611
2019 119
2018 111
2017 85
2016 77
2015 53
2014 47
2013 37
2012 36
2011 21
2010 25
2000s 60
2009 9
2008 14
2007 9
2006 5
2005 8
2004 4
2003 2
2002 3
2001 2
2000 4
1990s 4
1999 1
1998 1
1996 1
1994 1
1523 releases

Popular redneck Songs

Top New redneck Songs of 2024

redneck music by decade

Explore redneck history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of redneck artists

Here is a list of redneck artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the redneck genre. You can find out what redneck genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 67 1808049
2 60 1138306
3 61 636794
4 57 586396
5 55 173615
6 53 381093
7 53 135529
8 53 302778
9 50 140115
10 50 75422
11 49 97570
12 48 72309
13 48 97002
14 47 182431
15 47 128000
16 47 216078
17 44 473078
18 46 171337
19 46 86507
20 44 109908
21 44 98863
22 44 44717
23 41 117725
24 43 22079
25 43 64146
26 39 11858
27 42 32056
28 42 193345
29 41 103650
30 40 64524
31 38 57088
32 32 73173
33 37 14123
34 36 39096
35 36 80547
36 36 8021
37 35 15894
38 35 66588
39 35 89387
40 34 16271
41 34 23639
42 34 73472
43 33 46472
44 33 53594
45 32 223903
46 31 25419
47 31 34089
48 31 23552
49 30 10076
50 59 477658
51 56 38730
52 54 237715
53 53 197347
54 52 53785
55 52 92631
56 52 338285
57 51 130978
58 49 86950
59 49 96835
60 47 46276
61 45 18445
62 45 96565
63 47 6460
64 46 57213
65 45 47630
66 46 38472
67 46 87338
68 45 73715
69 45 36110
70 43 58278
71 43 86348
72 43 54808
73 41 64825
74 36 22027
75 39 19856
76 39 13210
77 39 19231
78 37 2435
79 37 7542
80 37 1491
81 36 26430
82 36 24444
83 35 4213
84 33 7172
85 32 52566
86 32 38786
87 32 29003
88 32 3140
89 32 10159
90 31 7667
91 31 3226
92 31 7620
93 31 22692
94 31 8762
95 30 6533
96 30 7720
97 30 4895
98 30 36917
99 30 12657
100 30 1886

redneck playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular redneck music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.