
Genre: reggae en espanol

Play genre

Reggae en español is a music genre that combines the traditional reggae sound with Spanish lyrics. It originated in Latin America and has gained popularity in Spanish-speaking countries. The music often incorporates elements of ska, rock, and hip-hop. The lyrics often touch on social and political issues, as well as love and spirituality. The genre is known for its laid-back and positive vibes, and has a loyal following among fans of reggae music. (AI Generated)

Most popular reggae en espanol artists

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Parent Genre: latin

Related genres

Instruments used

Vocals, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Keyboard, Percussion, Horn Section, Drum Machine

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Reggae En Espanol genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 132
2024 11
2023 42
2022 26
2021 26
2020 27
2010s 227
2019 37
2018 41
2017 21
2016 24
2015 26
2014 20
2013 18
2012 19
2011 7
2010 14
2000s 62
2009 5
2008 11
2007 9
2006 11
2005 5
2004 6
2003 7
2002 3
2001 1
2000 4
1990s 7
1999 2
1997 4
1996 1
428 releases

Popular reggae en espanol Songs

Top New reggae en espanol Songs of 2024

reggae en espanol music by decade

Explore reggae en espanol history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of reggae en espanol artists

Here is a list of reggae en espanol artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the reggae en espanol genre. You can find out what reggae en espanol genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 64 1372113
2 48 377323
3 38 174197
4 55 357952
5 49 172134
6 46 271330
7 45 120985
8 71 2799112
9 42 7499
10 39 91789
11 47 115245
12 44 82248
13 35 2964
14 44 110254
15 28 2512
16 31 23923
17 28 29037
18 28 1993
19 33 7815
20 45 17105
21 29 40816
22 42 20473
23 48 8098
24 27 34060
25 44 8826
26 38 13745
27 40 7215
28 41 52335
29 35 10597
30 33 28545
31 37 2956
32 61 1161389
33 34 15302
34 33 1566
35 32 6560
36 42 190927
37 32 32075
38 64 1825237
39 30 27518
40 30 4484
41 28 8652
42 34 62172
43 46 65187
44 44 255508
45 58 950932
46 35 11565
47 56 413694
48 48 139283
49 40 61308
50 46 284728
51 45 94455
52 56 2060232
53 42 22869
54 39 45767
55 53 41086
56 37 21688
57 50 83554
58 36 41229
59 35 39371
60 28 35448
61 39 122949
62 32 21254
63 31 27346
64 43 84701
65 34 42707
66 30 38797
67 45 36010
68 43 26909
69 37 4286
70 49 200857
71 34 18876
72 39 1737
73 37 4634
74 35 3050
75 35 3433
76 43 12267
77 34 8774
78 34 443
79 31 6784
80 29 12696
81 34 14326
82 29 4080
83 30 26802
84 27 4963
85 27 854
86 27 3109
87 29 17233
88 61 469905
89 57 78043
90 54 495921
91 52 272782
92 49 81701
93 39 14520
94 38 33187
95 31 45351
96 28 18902
97 28 25996
98 29 3869
99 29 4865
100 27 11690

reggae en espanol playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular reggae en espanol music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.