
Genre: reggaeton flow

Play genre

Reggaeton flow is a popular music genre that originated in Puerto Rico and has since spread throughout Latin America and the world. It is characterized by its catchy beats, fast-paced rhythms, and lyrics that often focus on love, sex, and partying. The genre has evolved over time, incorporating elements of hip hop, trap, and other styles, but it remains true to its roots in Latin American culture. Reggaeton flow has produced some of the biggest stars in the music industry, with its artists known for their energetic performances and ability to get crowds dancing.

Most popular reggaeton flow artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Reggaeton Flow genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 826
2024 118
2023 209
2022 185
2021 147
2020 167
2010s 933
2019 206
2018 186
2017 154
2016 159
2015 71
2014 52
2013 45
2012 29
2011 18
2010 13
2000s 35
2009 8
2008 6
2007 2
2006 4
2005 5
2004 1
2003 2
2002 4
2001 2
2000 1
1990s 6
1999 3
1998 1
1997 1
1995 1
1800 releases

Popular reggaeton flow Songs

Top New reggaeton flow Songs of 2024

reggaeton flow music by decade

Explore reggaeton flow history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of reggaeton flow artists

Here is a list of reggaeton flow artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the reggaeton flow genre. You can find out what reggaeton flow genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 88 37744432
2 82 11570580
3 80 1157633
4 74 1443200
5 78 7336157
6 77 2189967
7 77 368602
8 75 2500202
9 69 2064942
10 73 1424915
11 73 440385
12 71 9636573
13 70 2439643
14 69 1824690
15 68 5229234
16 67 1301833
17 67 1678228
18 66 876167
19 65 1152897
20 64 713535
21 64 872221
22 61 533827
23 60 733543
24 59 874355
25 58 1023624
26 58 454949
27 56 275803
28 54 231002
29 53 323769
30 52 282387
31 76 1080076
32 71 1122811
33 67 347024
34 66 879737
35 65 483547
36 64 134889
37 63 417264
38 62 140756
39 56 166383
40 61 726330
41 61 87362
42 57 53455
43 55 364869
44 54 58531
45 53 145444
46 53 352295
47 53 182257
48 53 230264
49 52 37000
50 51 354283
51 50 476659
52 48 56075
53 46 207315
54 45 45328
55 60 379971
56 62 48057
57 58 227293
58 58 165238
59 50 62784
60 58 196653
61 49 155426
62 50 63705
63 56 30683
64 47 1063
65 54 109009
66 53 233501
67 52 260935
68 47 44670
69 46 186498
70 50 93492
71 46 164704
72 44 142614
73 45 97337
74 44 106051
75 63 76804
76 60 24285
77 59 82584
78 58 63028
79 57 81327
80 56 20804
81 49 23126
82 55 24726
83 55 12082
84 54 91599
85 54 66938
86 53 41668
87 53 18153
88 52 19958
89 51 42586
90 50 31816
91 50 28948
92 50 3606
93 50 3596
94 49 36909
95 48 51691
96 47 16510
97 46 102372
98 46 36565
99 45 230178
100 45 34034

reggaeton flow playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular reggaeton flow music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.