
Genre renaissance

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Renaissance music is a genre that emerged in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. It is characterized by its use of polyphony, which involves multiple voices singing different melodies simultaneously. The music is often religious in nature and features intricate harmonies and rhythms. Renaissance composers were known for their experimentation with new musical forms and techniques, such as the use of chromaticism and word painting. This genre includes some of the most influential works in classical music history. (AI Generated)

Most popular renaissance artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Renaissance genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

1990s 1
1990 1
1 releases

renaissance playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular renaissance music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular renaissance Songs

Top New renaissance Songs of 2024

renaissance music by decade

Explore renaissance history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of renaissance artists

Here is a list of renaissance artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the renaissance genre. You can find out what renaissance genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 29 4941
2 34 12680
3 27 2594
4 31 20836
5 24 1029
6 24 1148
7 28 1841
8 28 1017
9 25 589
10 40 712
11 24 518
12 16 1500
13 23 619
14 15 647
15 22 610
16 14 695
17 22 161
18 14 312
19 19 4139
20 25 1096
21 25 1297
22 35 4011
23 20 2041
24 26 469
25 13 442
26 13 1609
27 14 906
28 8 701
29 8 261
30 10 825
31 10 945
32 24 355
33 19 316
34 22 1487
35 18 158
36 18 821
37 14 190
38 16 1183
39 12 472
40 12 294
41 27 134
42 14 305
43 22 428
44 10 443
45 18 364
46 2 83
47 24 1236
48 20 756
49 12 658
50 13 715
51 11 870
52 3 85
53 8 185
54 10 773
55 10 436
56 10 266
57 20 1110
58 11 270
59 20 901
60 11 747
61 10 839
62 20 173
63 19 104
64 9 732
65 7 267
66 18 46
67 2 99
68 2 200
69 14 490
70 13 685
71 13 128
72 4 197
73 16 78
74 2 104
75 7 241
76 15 77
77 15 238
78 11 761
79 1 114
80 1 140
81 1 96
82 9 473
83 13 1215
84 4 486
85 1 63
86 11 78
87 11 106
88 8 118
89 6 77
90 6 274
91 4 973