
Genre: reparto

Play genre

Reparto music is a genre of Cuban music that combines elements of reggaeton, hip hop, and traditional Cuban rhythms. It is characterized by its energetic beats, catchy melodies, and lyrics that often focus on themes of love, partying, and everyday life. Reparto music is popular in Cuba and has gained international recognition in recent years.

Most popular reparto artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Reparto genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 679
2024 95
2023 209
2022 189
2021 95
2020 91
2010s 224
2019 71
2018 46
2017 26
2016 30
2015 15
2014 5
2013 10
2012 9
2011 7
2010 5
2000s 8
2009 2
2008 3
2007 1
2003 1
2000 1
1990s 1
1998 1
912 releases

Popular reparto Songs

Top New reparto Songs of 2024

reparto music by decade

Explore reparto history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of reparto artists

Here is a list of reparto artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the reparto genre. You can find out what reparto genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 70 1616090
2 61 99766
3 60 140599
4 59 207369
5 57 583767
6 58 198534
7 58 135274
8 58 11365
9 57 91963
10 55 27334
11 55 12259
12 54 83594
13 54 119834
14 53 112131
15 52 101955
16 52 53599
17 52 10347
18 51 39700
19 50 31937
20 49 30073
21 48 35093
22 48 1898
23 47 14730
24 46 50901
25 45 15111
26 45 41414
27 44 18142
28 43 47719
29 43 89109
30 43 104972
31 43 50760
32 42 13681
33 42 33368
34 42 2562
35 41 19087
36 41 29959
37 40 42747
38 39 13365
39 38 27099
40 37 21085
41 37 14739
42 37 9229
43 36 36229
44 36 4495
45 36 19551
46 35 16598
47 34 2926
48 33 6703
49 32 8714
50 31 3496
51 28 4591
52 27 17540
53 26 4573
54 26 17369
55 25 1390
56 24 3721
57 24 2139
58 23 3001
59 23 16495
60 22 2130
61 22 4566
62 20 15598
63 20 5230
64 52 827
65 44 33109
66 43 3401
67 42 3363
68 39 1353
69 37 24878
70 37 1595
71 37 11213
72 34 4073
73 33 830
74 32 15971
75 32 165
76 30 4158
77 30 4598
78 30 259
79 30 4649
80 29 194
81 27 2222
82 27 366
83 26 2958
84 26 2862
85 26 355
86 26 2198
87 26 1426
88 26 2633
89 25 325
90 25 672
91 25 323
92 25 461
93 25 398
94 23 2539
95 23 1688
96 23 2159
97 22 2725
98 22 53
99 22 1776
100 22 3404

reparto playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular reparto music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.