
Genre rkt

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Rkt is a genre of music that combines elements of reggaeton, hip hop, and Latin pop. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and lyrics that often focus on love, partying, and street life. Callejero Fino, Gusty dj, and Kaleb Di Masi are all prominent figures within the Rkt music scene, known for their high-energy performances and contributions to the genre's evolution. (AI Generated)

Most popular rkt artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Rkt genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 6832
2025 9
2024 1016
2023 2276
2022 1725
2021 1099
2020 707
2010s 700
2019 410
2018 158
2017 46
2016 44
2015 10
2014 11
2013 5
2012 3
2011 7
2010 6
2000s 3
2009 3
1980s 1
1984 1
7536 releases

rkt playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular rkt music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular rkt Songs

Top New rkt Songs of 2024

rkt music by decade

Explore rkt history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of rkt artists

Here is a list of rkt artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the rkt genre. You can find out what rkt genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 61 1092728
2 51 80160
3 50 60668
4 64 1848679
5 72 2526303
6 50 1632
7 50 624
8 58 367777
9 58 18288
10 54 270070
11 51 167656
12 72 942002
13 53 10984
14 66 681705
15 65 258067
16 70 521826
17 63 504835
18 62 131553
19 66 1053281
20 61 531680
21 60 12269
22 58 18020
23 58 193102
24 57 261130
25 57 138952
26 62 146355
27 56 131756
28 56 139997
29 50 6649
30 55 6903
31 55 643113
32 55 44349
33 55 6277
34 55 98082
35 59 21176
36 54 919789
37 52 192660
38 51 16291
39 51 63702
40 56 184037
41 50 10332
42 49 3644
43 49 2494
44 48 20300
45 48 30018
46 47 223287
47 51 17447
48 63 779878
49 50 19396
50 49 312705
51 67 98155
52 49 21189
53 56 60373
54 61 446860
55 63 1363539
56 62 566269
57 53 1690988
58 52 259156
59 52 18898
60 52 3169
61 51 802285
62 50 274022
63 48 266946
64 60 737422
65 68 2113604
66 55 260932
67 61 104457
68 64 2324908
69 47 226557
70 52 6764
71 62 293864
72 62 1165944
73 50 12640
74 49 41305
75 47 140873
76 57 148377
77 55 14692
78 53 34621
79 52 854129
80 52 2828
81 50 2788
82 50 62588
83 49 380046
84 49 43187
85 47 7320
86 70 1159718
87 70 733453
88 67 73985
89 60 37484
90 54 246702
91 63 481722
92 48 3636
93 64 877476
94 71 161030
95 70 33692
96 70 27436
97 57 391515
98 52 29426
99 49 112785
100 48 2972