
Genre: rock kapak

Play genre

Rock Kapak is a popular music genre in Malaysia that combines elements of rock music with traditional Malay music. It is characterized by its heavy use of electric guitars, drums, and bass, as well as its incorporation of traditional Malay instruments such as the rebab and gendang. The lyrics often touch on themes of love, social issues, and patriotism. This genre has gained a significant following in Malaysia and has produced many successful artists.

Most popular rock kapak artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Rock Kapak genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 148
2024 16
2023 43
2022 36
2021 22
2020 31
2010s 431
2019 41
2018 19
2017 24
2016 72
2015 62
2014 75
2013 27
2012 30
2011 39
2010 42
2000s 358
2009 58
2008 31
2007 45
2006 32
2005 39
2004 41
2003 36
2002 23
2001 23
2000 30
1990s 259
1999 28
1998 31
1997 29
1996 37
1995 38
1994 29
1993 18
1992 19
1991 17
1990 13
1980s 69
1989 10
1988 7
1987 12
1986 10
1985 7
1984 7
1983 3
1982 5
1981 5
1980 3
1970s 17
1979 5
1978 1
1977 2
1976 2
1975 5
1973 2
1282 releases

Popular rock kapak Songs

Top New rock kapak Songs of 2024

rock kapak music by decade

Explore rock kapak history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of rock kapak artists

Here is a list of rock kapak artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the rock kapak genre. You can find out what rock kapak genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 41 63488
2 34 24896
3 35 40633
4 50 228612
5 33 48203
6 32 56130
7 47 114367
8 32 71797
9 43 103259
10 31 23628
11 38 48665
12 44 40205
13 46 117827
14 41 102598
15 34 35089
16 39 59158
17 33 46611
18 38 14169
19 35 67144
20 41 61320
21 56 239638
22 55 247842
23 35 19281
24 33 32078
25 49 184005
26 54 115620
27 53 84123
28 53 117592
29 50 293922
30 52 129252
31 52 154239
32 35 18846
33 49 81885
34 49 60603
35 33 25928
36 48 6425
37 33 17692
38 48 63232
39 47 54142
40 32 6573
41 47 100554
42 47 144967
43 47 62479
44 31 17387
45 31 3918
46 46 26613
47 46 48606
48 45 48188
49 45 65259
50 45 87370
51 45 28441
52 44 23869
53 44 46726
54 44 33131
55 44 80283
56 42 170615
57 42 72910
58 42 32658
59 42 60641
60 42 77408
61 41 49421
62 40 68006
63 40 94950
64 39 7441
65 38 34270
66 38 3097
67 38 73985
68 37 50865
69 37 30463
70 37 10869
71 36 3015
72 36 4880
73 36 54990
74 36 7607
75 36 74354
76 36 62074
77 36 58261
78 36 18415
79 32 51844
80 35 8877
81 35 63016
82 35 8586
83 35 3731
84 35 27765
85 35 59551
86 35 6932
87 31 15465
88 34 57799
89 34 37695
90 33 43358
91 33 16631
92 33 6308
93 33 4353
94 33 41300
95 32 3199
96 32 19830
97 32 36669
98 31 12422
99 31 37129
100 30 23930

rock kapak playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular rock kapak music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.