
Genre: romanian pop

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

Romanian pop music is a genre that combines upbeat electronic beats with catchy melodies and lyrics. It often features strong female vocals and incorporates elements of dance and club music. The genre gained international recognition in the late 2000s and early 2010s with the success of several Romanian artists who achieved global hits with their infectious pop tracks.

Most popular romanian pop artists

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Popular romanian pop Songs

Top New romanian pop Songs of 2024

romanian pop music by decade

Explore romanian pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of romanian pop artists

Here is a list of romanian pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the romanian pop genre. You can find out what romanian pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 71 1255527
2 67 250028
3 50 184091
4 53 200918
5 64 369267
6 51 285374
7 49 191441
8 51 186549
9 57 1092715
10 56 519962
11 54 483358
12 46 161344
13 42 72308
14 47 41849
15 55 118977
16 43 249128
17 42 79436
18 45 173706
19 50 77993
20 54 56262
21 54 531211
22 54 159806
23 41 101100
24 53 122075
25 38 66396
26 37 69877
27 52 30276
28 52 233829
29 51 414248
30 39 173436
31 46 375916
32 38 103080
33 49 20200
34 40 23865
35 44 283872
36 49 107439
37 48 21353
38 48 28555
39 48 135433
40 42 73061
41 47 16378
42 47 21115
43 38 16951
44 47 203970
45 42 145077
46 43 19645
47 46 47502
48 37 35361
49 46 64720
50 46 18768
51 46 9900
52 46 42611
53 45 17551
54 45 120127
55 45 36962
56 45 9146
57 44 52247
58 40 27932
59 40 28682
60 40 37010
61 44 81994
62 44 116565
63 39 63826
64 44 86596
65 38 43980
66 43 60986
67 43 3790
68 43 42643
69 43 42764
70 43 4850
71 42 13052
72 42 59886
73 41 43277
74 42 30856
75 42 199690
76 41 97279
77 41 44662
78 40 72946
79 41 51066
80 40 18401
81 40 11164
82 39 166261
83 37 27152
84 39 111007
85 39 91569
86 39 85110
87 39 214286
88 38 135167
89 38 56501
90 38 36228
91 38 173622
92 38 9992
93 38 182794
94 36 83648
95 37 3042
96 37 6926
97 37 16505
98 36 109638
99 36 4667
100 36 36665

romanian pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular romanian pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.