
Genre: romanian rap

Play genre

Romanian rap music is a genre that combines elements of hip-hop and traditional Romanian music. It often features lyrics that address social and political issues, as well as personal experiences and struggles. The beats are typically heavy and bass-driven, with a focus on rhythm and flow. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a number of talented artists emerging on the scene.

Most popular romanian rap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Romanian Rap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 293
2024 24
2023 91
2022 64
2021 49
2020 65
2010s 287
2019 69
2018 53
2017 31
2016 26
2015 19
2014 19
2013 23
2012 13
2011 16
2010 18
2000s 83
2009 10
2008 14
2007 8
2006 10
2005 16
2004 8
2003 7
2002 2
2001 4
2000 4
1990s 8
1999 6
1998 2
1980s 1
1987 1
672 releases

Popular romanian rap Songs

Top New romanian rap Songs of 2024

romanian rap music by decade

Explore romanian rap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of romanian rap artists

Here is a list of romanian rap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the romanian rap genre. You can find out what romanian rap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 52 612964
2 52 261574
3 52 223445
4 53 537218
5 43 85882
6 48 359592
7 40 102844
8 42 76065
9 38 80919
10 42 113540
11 47 195034
12 47 203183
13 41 39527
14 41 67965
15 46 88772
16 46 47189
17 45 156457
18 44 121924
19 44 57749
20 39 48961
21 39 28580
22 43 117850
23 42 64524
24 41 49320
25 40 93239
26 37 138460
27 32 15804
28 33 35244
29 29 34257
30 37 85054
31 37 25725
32 37 46368
33 36 69734
34 35 21803
35 25 22597
36 34 37715
37 33 9330
38 27 21799
39 32 5979
40 32 15371
41 32 20487
42 32 3747
43 32 41359
44 31 33508
45 31 2226
46 31 10219
47 31 42652
48 30 12260
49 30 6883
50 30 44085
51 21 3827
52 29 15899
53 29 2237
54 27 27166
55 28 28894
56 28 10972
57 27 23479
58 27 41721
59 26 23135
60 24 9422
61 23 9439
62 23 8161
63 22 11040
64 22 6092
65 22 3467
66 22 15608
67 22 2570
68 21 6228
69 21 3214
70 21 6612
71 20 4545
72 20 25278
73 19 2918
74 19 2672
75 18 3172
76 17 1509
77 18 4666
78 18 2801
79 8 11590
80 17 2548
81 17 15404
82 17 4236
83 17 939
84 16 4230
85 16 78350
86 16 1424
87 15 19189
88 15 5037
89 15 2435
90 14 8025
91 13 1218
92 13 994
93 12 16786
94 11 1129
95 11 11046
96 10 179
97 9 3563
98 9 5860
99 8 658
100 5 1725

romanian rap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular romanian rap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.