
Genre: romantico

Play genre

Parent Genre: easy listening

Romantico music is a genre that emerged in the 20th century, characterized by its romantic and sentimental themes. The music often features slow and melodic rhythms, with a focus on the piano as the primary instrument. Los Pianos Barrocos, Lucien Pariseau, and Ronald Valentino are all artists who have contributed to the development of this genre, creating music that is both emotional and soothing. The genre is popular in Latin America and has gained a following worldwide.

Most popular romantico artists

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Popular romantico Songs

Top New romantico Songs of 2024

Most popular romantico albums

La Música en el Cine, Vol.1 (Temas Románticos)
Flauta, Vol. 1 (Música Instrumental)
Boleros De America Con Orquesta Y Guitarra Espanola
Melodías Mágicas. Guitarra Romántica
Cuerdas Amor y Guitarra
Café Piano
Sax Instrumental
Grandes Boleros En Piano Y Ritmo (Instrumental)
La Música Más Bella del Mundo Vol. 2
Tributos de colección / Lo mejor de Rychard Clayderman
Piano Romantico
El Piano de Hoy: Clásicos Instrumentales
Orquestas de Oro, Vol. 4
Balada para Adelina

romantico music by decade

Explore romantico history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of romantico artists

Here is a list of romantico artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the romantico genre. You can find out what romantico genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 47 5976
2 52 2784
3 51 2631
4 51 2945
5 50 4079
6 50 7118
7 49 2108
8 39 2509
9 47 1390
10 46 3094
11 42 30718
12 39 13035
13 45 11608
14 44 4093
15 38 2759
16 44 3685
17 35 4394
18 44 1914
19 43 7022
20 43 634
21 42 9066
22 43 17577
23 42 2380
24 42 874
25 41 6952
26 33 3188
27 40 15319
28 40 1655
29 40 1651
30 38 1679
31 38 623
32 35 5776
33 34 977
34 37 4658
35 37 12633
36 37 4001
37 37 2638
38 37 855
39 36 728
40 36 3314
41 36 3914
42 36 18397
43 36 5889
44 36 1029
45 36 3576
46 36 4460
47 36 787
48 35 5546
49 35 3770
50 35 7749
51 35 2206
52 35 10152
53 35 4795
54 35 1360
55 34 1940
56 34 3797
57 34 2737
58 34 4740
59 31 1965
60 33 7252
61 33 5533
62 33 3435
63 33 5702
64 33 2218
65 33 3698
66 32 1612
67 32 1142
68 32 4752
69 31 3189
70 31 1343
71 29 3619
72 30 3188
73 30 1142
74 30 3149
75 30 3259
76 30 383
77 30 1368
78 30 1724
79 30 3447
80 30 1965
81 29 715
82 29 4737
83 29 1943
84 29 601
85 29 1888
86 29 2192
87 29 621
88 28 3192
89 28 11502
90 28 5629
91 28 1183
92 28 3607
93 28 2954
94 28 2457
95 28 284
96 28 2189
97 28 389
98 27 2577
99 27 1923
100 26 1207

romantico playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular romantico music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.