
Genre: rosary

Play genre

Rosary music is a genre of religious music that is often used during prayer and meditation. It typically features choral vocals and traditional instrumentation, such as organ and piano. The music is meant to create a peaceful and contemplative atmosphere, and the lyrics often reflect on the mysteries of the rosary. The genre has been popularized by various artists and groups, including The Cathedral Singers, John Michael Talbot, and Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles.

Most popular rosary artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Rosary genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 54
2024 1
2023 14
2022 14
2021 8
2020 17
2010s 180
2019 12
2018 14
2017 11
2016 21
2015 6
2014 18
2013 23
2012 47
2011 13
2010 15
2000s 138
2009 18
2008 23
2007 16
2006 10
2005 12
2004 13
2003 19
2002 6
2001 10
2000 11
1990s 52
1999 7
1998 4
1997 12
1996 5
1995 8
1994 2
1993 5
1991 1
1990 8
1980s 24
1989 5
1988 10
1987 4
1986 2
1985 2
1981 1
1970s 7
1979 1
1977 3
1976 1
1975 1
1974 1
455 releases

Popular rosary Songs

rosary music by decade

Explore rosary history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of rosary artists

Here is a list of rosary artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the rosary genre. You can find out what rosary genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 49 24845
2 49 14444
3 45 37522
4 43 14826
5 42 5378
6 41 795
7 39 4187
8 39 6664
9 36 637
10 35 6886
11 35 2552
12 35 168
13 34 4385
14 34 737
15 34 195
16 34 929
17 34 2077
18 33 230
19 33 288
20 33 2780
21 33 3417
22 31 4458
23 32 977
24 32 2020
25 31 5606
26 30 689
27 30 3204
28 31 12388
29 30 1639
30 29 2139
31 29 1481
32 29 904
33 29 2210
34 29 446
35 29 2578
36 29 1333
37 28 1765
38 28 4315
39 28 1259
40 27 1468
41 26 4612
42 26 1966
43 26 1919
44 26 2517
45 26 1645
46 26 1667
47 22 2863
48 24 1769
49 24 1527
50 24 1554
51 24 2083
52 24 608
53 24 218
54 24 315
55 24 2382
56 24 1388
57 23 870
58 23 468
59 23 897
60 22 4337
61 22 1626
62 22 552
63 22 973
64 21 985
65 21 205
66 20 5658
67 20 156
68 20 540
69 19 313
70 19 1044
71 19 989
72 19 1469
73 19 475
74 19 554
75 19 610
76 19 401
77 18 564
78 18 882
79 17 585
80 17 204
81 17 786
82 17 1035
83 17 1348
84 16 117
85 16 77
86 16 753
87 16 110
88 16 307
89 16 609
90 15 817
91 15 9733
92 15 74
93 15 209
94 15 458
95 15 770
96 15 153
97 15 500
98 15 478
99 14 360
100 14 329

rosary playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular rosary music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.