
Genre: russian dance pop

Play genre

Russian dance pop music is a genre that combines upbeat electronic beats with catchy melodies and lyrics that often focus on love and relationships. The music is characterized by its high energy and danceability, making it popular in clubs and at parties. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a number of artists emerging as leading figures in the scene.

Most popular russian dance pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Russian Dance Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 995
2024 105
2023 285
2022 253
2021 195
2020 157
2010s 376
2019 114
2018 63
2017 54
2016 56
2015 37
2014 14
2013 32
2012 2
2011 2
2010 2
2000s 27
2009 5
2008 6
2007 5
2006 3
2005 3
2004 1
2003 3
2001 1
1990s 3
1999 2
1998 1
1401 releases

Popular russian dance pop Songs

Top New russian dance pop Songs of 2024

russian dance pop music by decade

Explore russian dance pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of russian dance pop artists

Here is a list of russian dance pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the russian dance pop genre. You can find out what russian dance pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 47 32528
2 54 412344
3 51 34079
4 44 36332
5 43 117056
6 37 34587
7 43 21206
8 42 21752
9 38 50691
10 39 91139
11 35 50449
12 53 45115
13 33 23186
14 32 18697
15 32 16455
16 30 10318
17 30 19265
18 49 11300
19 46 43690
20 44 154704
21 45 8864
22 43 18565
23 43 6275
24 23 8180
25 33 10308
26 21 7705
27 39 11261
28 31 5790
29 38 3104
30 38 2362
31 38 8478
32 38 3652
33 38 17855
34 36 1560
35 35 33480
36 35 3671
37 35 18646
38 35 2150
39 15 6222
40 33 4346
41 33 66081
42 33 10955
43 33 1608
44 31 4302
45 31 5591
46 30 2454
47 29 4379
48 28 2973
49 28 5074
50 28 531
51 28 4175
52 28 2134
53 27 2733
54 27 2020
55 27 1619
56 26 426
57 26 2474
58 25 5740
59 25 2837
60 25 715
61 24 4424
62 24 413
63 21 1721
64 23 1968
65 23 1658
66 23 3923
67 23 537
68 23 2349
69 22 815
70 22 7734
71 21 1370
72 14 3082
73 20 1975
74 20 8404
75 20 1508
76 19 1359
77 19 723
78 19 5974
79 18 647
80 17 1771
81 16 3130
82 16 577
83 16 1570
84 15 359
85 15 581
86 15 811
87 12 2157
88 14 3146
89 14 2467
90 14 628
91 13 166
92 13 1696
93 13 1103
94 12 1974
95 12 220
96 11 1720
97 11 797
98 11 371
99 11 447
100 10 1408

russian dance pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular russian dance pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.