
Genre: rva drill

Play genre

RVA drill music is a subgenre of hip-hop originating from Richmond, Virginia, characterized by aggressive lyrics, heavy basslines, and fast-paced beats. The music often reflects the harsh realities of street life and gang culture, with themes of violence, drug dealing, and survival. Artists in this genre often use gritty, raw vocals and intense delivery to convey their messages.

Most popular rva drill artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Rva Drill genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 476
2024 119
2023 156
2022 130
2021 52
2020 19
2010s 9
2019 6
2018 3
485 releases

Popular rva drill Songs

Top New rva drill Songs of 2024

rva drill music by decade

Explore rva drill history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of rva drill artists

Here is a list of rva drill artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the rva drill genre. You can find out what rva drill genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 64 105056
2 55 35561
3 54 82379
4 51 17156
5 50 154932
6 47 6632
7 43 16906
8 43 141292
9 42 3669
10 42 3766
11 40 25614
12 38 18701
13 37 46085
14 37 58190
15 31 3455
16 29 1121
17 29 12192
18 24 2981
19 24 1303
20 23 975
21 21 1057
22 20 420
23 19 958
24 18 933
25 17 433
26 17 1188
27 17 269
28 17 1009
29 14 3218
30 15 1293
31 15 107
32 15 83
33 15 615
34 15 366
35 14 877
36 14 347
37 14 870
38 14 214
39 13 1560
40 12 820
41 9 1119
42 10 183
43 10 35
44 9 208
45 9 205
46 9 369
47 8 287
48 8 984
49 7 132
50 7 150
51 6 243
52 6 84
53 6 838
54 6 375
55 6 677
56 6 368
57 6 159
58 5 275
59 5 238
60 5 444
61 5 100
62 4 253
63 4 281
64 4 424
65 4 195
66 3 203
67 3 47
68 3 57
69 3 683
70 3 1478
71 3 301
72 3 47
73 3 161
74 3 135
75 3 219
76 2 303
77 2 6
78 2 56
79 2 52
80 2 369
81 2 136
82 2 139
83 2 184
84 2 139
85 2 25
86 1 87
87 1 43
88 1 348
89 1 22
90 1 27
91 1 136
92 1 115
93 1 41
94 1 40
95 1 25
96 1 5
97 1 164

rva drill playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular rva drill music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.