
Genre: sacramento indie

Play genre

Parent Genre: metal

Sacramento indie music is a diverse genre that blends elements of alternative rock, post-hardcore, and experimental sounds. It is characterized by its raw, emotional lyrics and heavy use of guitar riffs and drum beats. The music often features a mix of clean and harsh vocals, creating a dynamic and intense sound. The genre has produced some of the most influential and innovative bands in the music industry, with a focus on pushing boundaries and exploring new sounds.

Most popular sacramento indie artists

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Related instruments

Vocals, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass, Drum Machine, Sampler, Sequencer, Bass Synthesizer

Popular sacramento indie Songs

Top New sacramento indie Songs of 2024

sacramento indie music by decade

Explore sacramento indie history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

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List of sacramento indie artists

Here is a list of sacramento indie artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the sacramento indie genre. You can find out what sacramento indie genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 79 5231667
2 63 698252
3 62 1141297
4 52 302772
5 52 927316
6 51 91431
7 46 247608
8 39 159207
9 39 54230
10 32 12628
11 37 58422
12 30 17955
13 32 73687
14 32 48086
15 34 58708
16 35 34489
17 27 17031
18 31 127
19 29 13943
20 28 7782
21 24 9564
22 26 9422
23 26 7602
24 24 1947
25 13 4352
26 19 6433
27 17 7666
28 15 2171
29 16 529
30 15 5305
31 15 7071
32 13 2820
33 10 366
34 9 3856
35 8 3952
36 7 2183
37 8 1533
38 8 605
39 8 673
40 7 55
41 7 546
42 6 1117
43 4 3924
44 4 514
45 4 449
46 3 333
47 3 512
48 2 807
49 3 1803
50 2 2786
51 2 946
52 1 512
53 1 506
54 1 802
55 1 760
56 1 334
57 1 191
58 1 303
59 1 258
60 1 639
61 1 139
62 1 169
63 1 629

sacramento indie playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular sacramento indie music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.