
Genre: samba

Play genre

Samba is a lively and rhythmic music genre that originated in Brazil. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, syncopated rhythms, and use of percussion instruments. Samba music often features call-and-response vocals and lyrics that celebrate Brazilian culture and traditions. It has been popularized by many influential artists who have helped to shape the genre over the years. (AI Generated)

Most popular samba artists

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Parent Genre: latin

Sub genres

Related genres

Instruments used

Guitar, Accordion, Drum Kit, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Piano, Saxophone, Trumpet, Double Bass, Trombone, Clarinet, Horn Section, Keyboard, Percussion

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Samba genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 303
2024 42
2023 85
2022 56
2021 59
2020 61
2010s 537
2019 53
2018 44
2017 48
2016 53
2015 68
2014 70
2013 73
2012 44
2011 38
2010 46
2000s 435
2009 51
2008 36
2007 37
2006 35
2005 58
2004 36
2003 42
2002 45
2001 45
2000 50
1990s 371
1999 52
1998 47
1997 48
1996 45
1995 38
1994 37
1993 37
1992 21
1991 33
1990 13
1980s 300
1989 28
1988 25
1987 25
1986 25
1985 27
1984 25
1983 32
1982 31
1981 43
1980 39
1970s 322
1979 38
1978 42
1977 43
1976 37
1975 32
1974 26
1973 32
1972 22
1971 22
1970 28
1960s 144
1969 17
1968 21
1967 25
1966 20
1965 11
1964 10
1963 7
1962 8
1961 16
1960 9
1950s 26
1959 10
1958 4
1957 5
1956 3
1955 1
1954 3
1930s 2
1937 1
1930 1
2440 releases

Popular samba Songs

Top New samba Songs of 2024

samba music by decade

Explore samba history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of samba artists

Here is a list of samba artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the samba genre. You can find out what samba genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 529789
2 54 424941
3 55 405001
4 50 345369
5 54 663399
6 43 163516
7 49 125986
8 51 130503
9 49 354062
10 62 827703
11 52 190363
12 45 286898
13 58 347113
14 61 574827
15 55 242747
16 45 171686
17 59 727759
18 39 57396
19 58 489391
20 52 445304
21 57 733343
22 49 373681
23 56 485457
24 48 234622
25 50 281591
26 47 313175
27 53 451459
28 52 377082
29 51 66889
30 40 85630
31 61 787125
32 47 284166
33 46 157953
34 41 75190
35 45 80013
36 56 375653
37 42 83397
38 39 212111
39 41 310352
40 40 102410
41 52 732859
42 50 285354
43 62 904703
44 40 96983
45 67 1371360
46 66 1068256
47 64 1101758
48 64 522916
49 64 958424
50 63 1430655
51 54 473174
52 58 605879
53 67 1873444
54 61 1012085
55 52 299842
56 52 281964
57 55 412466
58 63 871828
59 44 82085
60 47 280891
61 54 286785
62 50 308729
63 42 76986
64 48 44762
65 42 54127
66 51 359631
67 41 35090
68 61 781636
69 40 51855
70 65 650837
71 53 405418
72 50 22217
73 51 46109
74 63 229052
75 49 210473
76 42 73126
77 49 70231
78 45 72522
79 42 48203
80 41 35805
81 46 129509
82 50 66041
83 64 894137
84 40 35858
85 47 8498
86 44 149570
87 44 44462
88 55 247441
89 56 102093
90 40 15820
91 54 162096
92 48 16195
93 55 115606
94 47 13821
95 43 1952
96 46 56184
97 39 10810
98 39 8311
99 39 26777
100 45 90692

samba playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular samba music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.