
Genre sandalwood

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Sandalwood music is a genre of music that originated in the Kannada film industry. It is known for its unique blend of traditional Indian music with modern Western influences. The music is characterized by its use of classical Indian instruments such as the sitar and tabla, as well as electronic beats and synthesizers. Sandalwood music is often used in films to enhance the emotional impact of scenes and to create a sense of atmosphere. It is a popular genre in India and has gained a following around the world. (AI Generated)

Most popular sandalwood artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Sandalwood genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 913
2024 100
2023 293
2022 180
2021 180
2020 160
2010s 949
2019 170
2018 141
2017 120
2016 101
2015 54
2014 140
2013 75
2012 49
2011 47
2010 52
2000s 557
2009 65
2008 74
2007 41
2006 55
2005 63
2004 50
2003 69
2002 52
2001 54
2000 34
1990s 284
1999 38
1998 31
1997 32
1996 26
1995 17
1994 28
1993 38
1992 28
1991 24
1990 22
1980s 226
1989 23
1988 13
1987 20
1986 33
1985 17
1984 31
1983 31
1982 21
1981 17
1980 20
1970s 83
1979 11
1978 11
1977 15
1976 17
1975 11
1974 6
1973 2
1972 2
1971 5
1970 3
1960s 40
1969 2
1967 4
1966 6
1965 1
1964 4
1963 8
1962 9
1961 5
1960 1
1950s 4
1959 1
1958 2
1957 1
1900s 2
1905 2
3058 releases

sandalwood playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular sandalwood music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular sandalwood Songs

Top New sandalwood Songs of 2024

sandalwood music by decade

Explore sandalwood history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of sandalwood artists

Here is a list of sandalwood artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the sandalwood genre. You can find out what sandalwood genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 78 17369156
2 76 8581086
3 65 1462074
4 66 5342957
5 58 203106
6 71 4856978
7 83 28445348
8 55 235446
9 50 178534
10 76 20003579
11 57 105196
12 64 2058472
13 58 1076961
14 53 235159
15 52 69992
16 46 7704
17 46 6200
18 46 355494
19 60 2140050
20 49 65394
21 54 17282
22 65 1178620
23 53 294164
24 47 17074
25 46 7773
26 37 71759
27 47 93878
28 58 532667
29 57 180000
30 57 778801
31 56 1037224
32 56 106891
33 55 391802
34 43 8637
35 54 572958
36 54 149234
37 43 145482
38 45 27705
39 53 1056693
40 41 53129
41 38 29916
42 52 21442
43 52 163076
44 50 781773
45 50 103427
46 38 18815
47 48 396882
48 47 781410
49 48 938147
50 47 90223
51 46 74792
52 46 20256
53 46 8490
54 46 44215
55 46 750000
56 45 30562
57 45 259830
58 45 30977
59 44 31850
60 44 216662
61 44 25872
62 43 102837
63 43 104923
64 43 330683
65 43 55978
66 37 13589
67 43 9431
68 41 14766
69 42 344276
70 42 5144
71 42 17437
72 41 65770
73 41 3577
74 41 49858
75 41 9482
76 40 55651
77 40 14559
78 40 45489
79 40 6162
80 40 4542
81 40 82324
82 39 87496
83 39 11445
84 39 49037
85 39 9271
86 39 22261
87 39 4574
88 38 17893
89 38 82941
90 38 4352
91 38 5057
92 38 2856
93 38 7799
94 38 24362
95 38 33191
96 37 2316
97 37 7459
98 37 72330
99 37 3477
100 42 3953