
Genre: school ensemble

Play genre

School ensemble music is a genre that features various musical groups from different educational institutions. These groups are composed of students who are passionate about music and are trained to play different instruments. The Tokai University Takanawadai Senior High School Wind Orchestra, Shadow Ridge Middle School Honor Winds, and DeMatha Catholic High School Concert Strings are examples of school ensembles that showcase the talents of young musicians. These groups perform a wide range of music, from classical to contemporary, and are known for their exceptional skills and musicality. Their performances are often held in school events, competitions, and concerts, and are enjoyed by audiences of all ages.

Most popular school ensemble artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of School Ensemble genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2010s 11
2019 2
2017 2
2016 3
2015 1
2014 2
2011 1
11 releases

Popular school ensemble Songs

Most popular school ensemble albums

Brass Band Disney! ~Story of Life Brass Band~ (High School Students Wind Band)
Brass Band Disney! 2 (High School Students Wind Band)
2014 Midwest Clinic: Lindbergh High School Jazz Ensemble (Live)
Brass Band Disney (High School Students Wind Band)
Lakota East High School Winter Band Concert 2016
2013 Midwest Clinic: Stephen F. Austin High School Symphony Orchestra
Locked out of the Band Room
High School All-Stars 2018-19

school ensemble music by decade

Explore school ensemble history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of school ensemble artists

Here is a list of school ensemble artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the school ensemble genre. You can find out what school ensemble genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 19 538
2 8 265
3 6 257
4 4 221
5 4 209
6 3 177
7 3 171
8 9 46
9 8 36
10 8 147
11 7 15
12 7 60
13 7 27
14 7 40
15 7 75
16 7 43
17 7 53
18 6 40
19 6 35
20 6 22
21 5 16
22 5 28
23 5 42
24 4 59
25 4 32
26 4 14
27 4 13
28 4 16
29 4 31
30 4 16
31 4 56
32 4 21
33 4 4
34 4 17
35 4 24
36 4 26
37 4 18
38 4 52
39 3 5
40 3 15
41 3 20
42 3 8
43 3 29
44 3 7
45 3 58
46 3 10
47 3 2
48 3 30
49 3 36
50 3 47
51 3 8
52 3 19
53 2 4
54 2 19
55 2 25
56 2 13
57 2 6
58 2 17
59 2 4
60 2 7
61 2 10
62 2 16
63 2 20
64 2 20
65 1 3
66 1 8
67 1 25
68 1 17
69 1 0
70 1 21
71 1 10
72 1 10
73 1 8
74 1 11
75 1 50
76 1 130
77 1 12
78 1 27
79 1 12
80 1 11
81 1 22
82 1 14
83 1 9
84 1 8
85 1 6
86 1 11
87 1 2
88 1 12
89 1 4
90 1 32
91 1 4
92 1 6
93 1 8
94 1 7
95 1 20
96 1 18
97 1 9

school ensemble playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular school ensemble music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.