
Genre: scottish indie

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Parent Genre: rock

Scottish indie music is a genre characterized by dreamy and ethereal sounds, often featuring intricate guitar work and haunting vocals. The music is often introspective and emotive, with lyrics that explore themes of love, loss, and personal growth. The genre has a rich history, with influential bands like Cocteau Twins, Belle and Sebastian, and Primal Scream paving the way for a new generation of Scottish indie artists.

Most popular scottish indie artists

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Related instruments

Vocals, Synthesizer, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano

Popular scottish indie Songs

Top New scottish indie Songs of 2024

Most popular scottish indie albums

Heaven or Las Vegas
Dear Catastrophe Waitress
The Midnight Organ Fight
These Four Walls
A Catholic Education
Any Other City
Let's Get Out Of This Country
The Three E.P.'s
Nobody Wants to Be Here & Nobody Wants to Leave

scottish indie music by decade

Explore scottish indie history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of scottish indie artists

Here is a list of scottish indie artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the scottish indie genre. You can find out what scottish indie genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 57 653709
2 64 976359
3 47 238087
4 54 477704
5 32 39120
6 42 140836
7 46 176262
8 39 128475
9 37 74041
10 52 500301
11 35 63689
12 55 30537
13 38 45748
14 27 23392
15 34 90785
16 34 58626
17 17 7188
18 40 109855
19 28 23785
20 35 40299
21 37 72048
22 19 6373
23 20 7249
24 13 3673
25 24 12835
26 29 20471
27 21 10019
28 31 26593
29 18 8119
30 13 1538
31 31 7271
32 26 7983
33 16 7408
34 26 12656
35 30 1356
36 21 22271
37 28 539
38 25 6517
39 26 21400
40 25 38830
41 7 4537
42 19 10082
43 22 8004
44 22 5965
45 17 8766
46 21 4288
47 18 6591
48 2 185
49 7 1479
50 16 3819
51 18 9700
52 18 3590
53 4 1327
54 16 1979
55 13 8599
56 15 2406
57 15 10687
58 15 4771
59 14 4989
60 14 4652
61 4 2507
62 13 3594
63 13 5457
64 12 2534
65 5 1774
66 7 4378
67 11 9604
68 10 8366
69 10 943
70 9 3630
71 5 2282
72 8 1269
73 6 834
74 8 377
75 3 1508
76 7 837
77 7 3292
78 5 748
79 6 1136
80 4 537
81 2 457
82 3 924
83 5 147
84 4 3199
85 4 1350
86 4 1633
87 4 1312
88 3 1363
89 3 301
90 3 1846
91 3 972
92 2 1018
93 2 598
94 2 599
95 2 376
96 2 313
97 2 819
98 2 906
99 2 339
100 2 370

scottish indie playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular scottish indie music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.