
Genre sea shanties

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Sea shanties are traditional maritime songs that were historically sung by sailors to coordinate their tasks aboard ships. Characterized by their rhythmic and repetitive structure, they often feature call-and-response patterns that foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. The themes typically revolve around life at sea, including topics such as adventure, hardship, and longing for home, all conveyed with robust and hearty vocal expressions. (AI Generated)

Most popular sea shanties artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Sea Shanties genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1421
2025 3
2024 254
2023 337
2022 278
2021 314
2020 235
2010s 1018
2019 150
2018 147
2017 124
2016 116
2015 106
2014 86
2013 90
2012 64
2011 82
2010 53
2000s 403
2009 77
2008 69
2007 38
2006 44
2005 39
2004 21
2003 35
2002 28
2001 26
2000 26
1990s 131
1999 16
1998 17
1997 21
1996 15
1995 24
1994 5
1993 19
1992 2
1991 6
1990 6
1980s 28
1989 3
1988 3
1987 2
1985 5
1984 3
1983 6
1982 3
1981 1
1980 2
1970s 25
1979 3
1978 5
1977 2
1976 1
1975 2
1974 1
1973 3
1972 1
1971 4
1970 3
1960s 21
1969 3
1968 1
1967 1
1966 1
1965 1
1964 3
1963 2
1962 2
1961 3
1960 4
1950s 8
1959 3
1957 1
1956 4
1900s 1
1904 1
3056 releases

sea shanties playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular sea shanties music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular sea shanties Songs

Top New sea shanties Songs of 2024

sea shanties music by decade

Explore sea shanties history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of sea shanties artists

Here is a list of sea shanties artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the sea shanties genre. You can find out what sea shanties genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 41 114043
2 41 78545
3 44 82461
4 46 176583
5 48 136243
6 44 156270
7 38 16316
8 37 20015
9 36 13682
10 33 26584
11 44 48449
12 54 138316
13 52 422679
14 52 185598
15 39 55332
16 51 172658
17 38 31851
18 46 110561
19 45 115015
20 38 14658
21 33 13726
22 43 58177
23 49 128513
24 41 110066
25 40 57135
26 37 6436
27 60 391964
28 35 25949
29 45 24237
30 54 685052
31 40 49883
32 43 81238
33 40 77180
34 54 245759
35 43 83624
36 48 255639
37 45 196240
38 58 430385
39 40 17173
40 37 31067
41 42 63062
42 43 31974
43 41 34291
44 50 25637
45 50 3943
46 39 95883
47 39 37121
48 48 573
49 37 37158
50 48 3306
51 36 5619
52 35 2447
53 34 25746
54 36 2073
55 42 90354
56 37 15019
57 36 23041
58 36 761
59 36 31318
60 42 24612
61 35 365
62 34 372
63 64 566702
64 61 78242
65 61 846476
66 48 107048
67 47 26477
68 57 155493
69 53 410721
70 52 123101
71 51 164083
72 50 69603
73 49 19618
74 49 67873
75 49 21923
76 49 6369
77 48 13928
78 48 13822
79 48 39934
80 48 16694
81 45 16709
82 44 87067
83 43 594
84 42 36066
85 41 13289
86 40 11602
87 39 81012
88 39 3945
89 38 37989
90 37 17103
91 38 75122
92 37 15664
93 37 463
94 37 19846
95 36 1601
96 36 32376
97 35 12447
98 34 18890
99 34 9773
100 33 2907