
Genre: sertanejo gospel

Play genre

Sertanejo gospel is a music genre that blends the traditional Brazilian sertanejo style with Christian lyrics and themes. The music often features acoustic guitars, accordion, and percussion instruments, and the lyrics focus on faith, love, and hope. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many artists incorporating modern production techniques and pop influences into their music.

Most popular sertanejo gospel artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Sertanejo Gospel genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 462
2024 20
2023 99
2022 152
2021 137
2020 54
2010s 237
2019 54
2018 35
2017 24
2016 25
2015 26
2014 16
2013 14
2012 18
2011 8
2010 17
2000s 78
2009 9
2008 12
2007 10
2006 15
2005 4
2004 10
2003 2
2002 5
2001 8
2000 3
1990s 16
1999 7
1998 3
1997 1
1994 1
1993 1
1992 1
1990 2
1980s 2
1989 1
1982 1
795 releases

Popular sertanejo gospel Songs

Top New sertanejo gospel Songs of 2024

sertanejo gospel music by decade

Explore sertanejo gospel history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of sertanejo gospel artists

Here is a list of sertanejo gospel artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the sertanejo gospel genre. You can find out what sertanejo gospel genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 735537
2 59 182658
3 47 172885
4 52 359697
5 40 335984
6 40 438187
7 38 113511
8 35 100930
9 27 56517
10 36 224410
11 33 387105
12 34 24689
13 34 14971
14 34 32829
15 35 36629
16 32 54128
17 42 51746
18 31 47144
19 28 64866
20 40 22111
21 32 27015
22 24 36145
23 26 52431
24 36 24339
25 35 8923
26 28 13268
27 35 24620
28 35 52079
29 34 6962
30 33 6318
31 25 16327
32 22 4383
33 31 5969
34 30 4214
35 20 10968
36 29 40584
37 29 17996
38 29 11338
39 28 11992
40 27 11619
41 27 8390
42 26 1614
43 26 1920
44 26 2729
45 26 5952
46 25 22399
47 25 4247
48 24 8686
49 24 3392
50 24 1027
51 22 9836
52 22 8781
53 21 4497
54 21 2935
55 21 1196
56 21 6855
57 20 7378
58 20 2101
59 12 7452
60 18 22467
61 18 2173
62 17 2875
63 17 8987
64 17 2456
65 16 1100
66 15 7693
67 15 3391
68 15 4268
69 8 764
70 15 2382
71 12 3415
72 13 703
73 12 2575
74 12 7740
75 12 5769
76 11 3037
77 10 1352
78 10 625
79 9 906
80 9 3436
81 9 1663
82 9 2407
83 8 2477
84 8 370
85 8 1646
86 8 1135
87 7 2610
88 5 529
89 5 401
90 5 1479
91 3 376
92 3 505
93 2 859
94 2 740
95 2 435
96 1 501
97 1 494
98 1 1071
99 1 1164

sertanejo gospel playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular sertanejo gospel music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.