
Genre: shanty

Play genre

Shanty music is a traditional style of music that originated from the sea shanties sung by sailors during long voyages. It typically features strong vocal harmonies, simple instrumentation, and lyrics that tell stories of life at sea. The genre has experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years, with modern artists incorporating elements of shanty music into their work. This includes the use of traditional instruments like the accordion and fiddle, as well as modern production techniques. Shanty music has been featured in popular media, including video games and television shows, and has become a beloved genre for fans of folk and sea music alike.

Most popular shanty artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Shanty genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 277
2024 39
2023 81
2022 67
2021 61
2020 29
2010s 223
2019 31
2018 24
2017 23
2016 25
2015 22
2014 22
2013 22
2012 15
2011 26
2010 13
2000s 81
2009 15
2008 13
2007 8
2006 4
2005 10
2004 6
2003 11
2002 5
2001 6
2000 3
1990s 24
1999 4
1998 3
1997 4
1996 4
1995 3
1994 1
1993 2
1992 1
1990 2
1980s 8
1989 3
1985 1
1983 1
1982 2
1981 1
1970s 8
1978 2
1977 1
1976 1
1975 1
1974 1
1973 2
1950s 1
1959 1
1900s 1
1904 1
623 releases

Popular shanty Songs

Top New shanty Songs of 2024

shanty music by decade

Explore shanty history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of shanty artists

Here is a list of shanty artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the shanty genre. You can find out what shanty genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 62 375329
2 50 133376
3 47 46461
4 57 132344
5 53 169191
6 57 240392
7 55 113233
8 53 24071
9 52 3635
10 39 22313
11 50 3043
12 48 15765
13 46 81414
14 35 5552
15 45 25979
16 33 5790
17 40 19438
18 29 7588
19 28 6672
20 39 710
21 38 30888
22 38 335
23 26 4695
24 37 500
25 24 898
26 33 19375
27 36 2779
28 36 396
29 34 14041
30 34 742
31 21 3144
32 32 10260
33 31 5575
34 31 6313
35 29 13392
36 29 4282
37 29 4921
38 26 2331
39 25 2273
40 24 2875
41 24 1387
42 24 1243
43 20 3652
44 24 338
45 23 88
46 23 1686
47 23 1562
48 22 5009
49 22 277
50 18 1780
51 21 948
52 21 176
53 21 2700
54 21 2713
55 20 972
56 20 2261
57 18 179
58 17 199
59 15 1547
60 16 3961
61 16 848
62 4 254
63 14 661
64 3 636
65 15 255
66 15 1948
67 15 318
68 14 528
69 14 1632
70 14 2277
71 14 218
72 14 1089
73 14 750
74 13 1273
75 13 1734
76 13 1397
77 13 697
78 12 369
79 11 299
80 11 531
81 11 800
82 11 1170
83 10 559
84 10 1463
85 9 451
86 10 304
87 9 893
88 8 753
89 8 458
90 7 409
91 7 419
92 6 143
93 5 354
94 6 829
95 5 288
96 5 353
97 4 410
98 4 275
99 4 371
100 4 897

shanty playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular shanty music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.