
Genre: sierra leonean pop

Play genre

Sierra Leonean pop music is a vibrant and energetic genre that blends traditional West African rhythms with modern pop and hip-hop influences. The music often features upbeat tempos and catchy melodies, with lyrics that touch on themes of love, social justice, and cultural identity. Many Sierra Leonean pop artists use their music as a platform to raise awareness about important issues facing their country and communities. Overall, Sierra Leonean pop music is a unique and dynamic genre that reflects the rich cultural heritage and contemporary experiences of the people of Sierra Leone.

Most popular sierra leonean pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Sierra Leonean Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 123
2024 10
2023 33
2022 21
2021 28
2020 31
2010s 52
2019 11
2018 9
2017 13
2016 7
2015 4
2014 1
2013 2
2012 2
2011 1
2010 2
2000s 5
2007 1
2006 1
2005 1
2003 1
2000 1
1990s 1
1997 1
181 releases

Popular sierra leonean pop Songs

Top New sierra leonean pop Songs of 2024

sierra leonean pop music by decade

Explore sierra leonean pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of sierra leonean pop artists

Here is a list of sierra leonean pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the sierra leonean pop genre. You can find out what sierra leonean pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 42 83069
2 36 5786
3 34 5504
4 32 12017
5 29 7847
6 27 10371
7 28 885
8 27 2862
9 19 11420
10 17 3664
11 17 5613
12 16 5548
13 15 4495
14 13 180
15 13 2919
16 12 5773
17 11 7891
18 11 1462
19 11 2458
20 10 2013
21 9 4783
22 9 940
23 9 5530
24 9 3804
25 8 493
26 8 162
27 7 2075
28 7 443
29 7 1606
30 7 927
31 7 1759
32 7 645
33 7 2082
34 6 2061
35 6 3150
36 6 2885
37 6 1239
38 5 416
39 5 573
40 5 470
41 5 2947
42 5 21
43 5 757
44 5 2657
45 4 2160
46 4 80
47 4 780
48 4 518
49 4 926
50 4 32
51 4 117
52 4 684
53 4 1377
54 3 18
55 3 31
56 3 1108
57 3 537
58 3 96
59 3 385
60 3 768
61 3 493
62 3 126
63 3 824
64 3 109
65 3 469
66 3 78
67 3 374
68 2 265
69 2 2602
70 2 829
71 2 423
72 2 493
73 2 4244
74 2 236
75 2 1741
76 2 13384
77 2 372
78 2 31
79 2 772
80 2 2422
81 1 213
82 1 374
83 1 217
84 1 122
85 1 2489
86 1 121
87 1 135
88 1 153
89 1 174
90 1 285
91 1 131
92 1 144
93 1 382
94 1 31
95 1 453
96 1 100
97 1 248
98 1 285
99 1 224
100 1 200

sierra leonean pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular sierra leonean pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.