
Genre sigilkore

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Sigilkore is a genre of electronic music that combines elements of dark ambient, industrial, and experimental sounds. It often features distorted and glitchy beats, eerie atmospheres, and haunting vocals. The genre is characterized by its use of sigils, which are symbols used in magic and occult practices, as a visual and thematic motif. The music is often associated with themes of mysticism, spirituality, and the occult. (AI Generated)

Most popular sigilkore artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Sigilkore genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 475
2024 109
2023 163
2022 118
2021 71
2020 14
2010s 5
2019 1
2018 1
2017 1
2014 1
2012 1
2000s 1
2002 1
481 releases

sigilkore playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular sigilkore music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular sigilkore Songs

Top New sigilkore Songs of 2024

sigilkore music by decade

Explore sigilkore history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of sigilkore artists

Here is a list of sigilkore artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the sigilkore genre. You can find out what sigilkore genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 46 37428
2 36 6424
3 36 9282
4 36 857
5 34 2583
6 32 13355
7 30 9719
8 30 8698
9 30 13034
10 27 629
11 26 10836
12 26 1332
13 25 1412
14 25 6441
15 24 2736
16 22 682
17 21 8001
18 21 1057
19 19 1169
20 18 660
21 18 1823
22 17 1071
23 16 767
24 16 1032
25 16 927
26 16 11734
27 15 1758
28 15 530
29 15 1237
30 15 6972
31 15 1666
32 14 1204
33 14 884
34 14 1201
35 13 839
36 13 476
37 12 658
38 12 961
39 10 561
40 10 441
41 9 810
42 9 560
43 8 371
44 8 1181
45 8 622
46 7 404
47 7 536
48 7 430
49 7 947
50 6 526
51 6 661
52 6 999
53 6 626
54 6 2982
55 5 7098
56 5 6568
57 4 454
58 4 265
59 3 6184
60 3 8035
61 3 281
62 3 1094
63 2 4012
64 2 29
65 2 287
66 2 454
67 2 406
68 1 574
69 1 544
70 1 2354
71 1 1136
72 1 555
73 1 1080
74 1 2816
75 1 2418
76 1 3664
77 1 1328
78 1 257
79 1 392