
Genre: sinhala rap

Play genre

Sinhala rap music is a genre that combines traditional Sri Lankan music with modern hip-hop beats and lyrics. It often features socially conscious themes and political commentary, as well as personal stories and experiences. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with artists using their music to address issues such as corruption, inequality, and social justice. The music is characterized by its unique blend of Sinhala language and rap style, with artists using their lyrics to express themselves in a way that is both authentic and relatable to their audience. (AI Generated)

Most popular sinhala rap artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Sinhala Rap genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 164
2024 6
2023 39
2022 33
2021 55
2020 31
2010s 44
2019 9
2018 5
2017 3
2016 7
2015 5
2014 5
2013 2
2012 7
2010 1
2000s 3
2007 1
2006 1
2004 1
211 releases

Popular sinhala rap Songs

Top New sinhala rap Songs of 2024

sinhala rap music by decade

Explore sinhala rap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of sinhala rap artists

Here is a list of sinhala rap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the sinhala rap genre. You can find out what sinhala rap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 44 198040
2 44 149222
3 43 162501
4 40 106302
5 38 114380
6 38 91388
7 35 93851
8 35 38258
9 33 45921
10 33 9619
11 41 60331
12 40 48333
13 25 23687
14 24 24030
15 37 2539
16 35 59566
17 35 67842
18 33 12647
19 32 80734
20 19 15185
21 31 27410
22 30 29707
23 29 11775
24 29 13336
25 27 2432
26 27 28266
27 26 59122
28 25 1507
29 25 4046
30 25 4806
31 25 1443
32 24 7763
33 23 28961
34 22 5482
35 22 2438
36 22 2033
37 22 15410
38 22 1082
39 21 14329
40 21 524
41 21 6205
42 21 6292
43 20 6484
44 19 14781
45 19 11674
46 18 1423
47 18 2343
48 18 1070
49 17 12279
50 17 18173
51 17 778
52 17 2053
53 16 854
54 16 2298
55 15 6150
56 15 4225
57 15 5638
58 15 1775
59 15 6303
60 15 3343
61 15 1270
62 14 1391
63 14 1905
64 14 8334
65 14 2335
66 13 10104
67 13 1750
68 13 769
69 13 4475
70 13 5473
71 13 18165
72 13 1319
73 12 470
74 12 145
75 12 795
76 12 8494
77 12 1051
78 11 659
79 11 1408
80 11 4216
81 10 1809
82 10 1271
83 10 2757
84 10 1370
85 9 1085
86 9 8602
87 9 2319
88 9 5102
89 9 122
90 8 695
91 8 2557
92 8 3164
93 8 5793
94 8 45262
95 8 1937
96 8 637
97 8 1238
98 7 3406
99 7 858
100 7 1235

sinhala rap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular sinhala rap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.