
Genre: skramz

Play genre

Skramz is a subgenre of punk and hardcore music that is characterized by its intense and emotional sound. It often features screamed vocals, dissonant guitar riffs, and complex time signatures. The lyrics tend to be introspective and deal with themes such as personal struggles, relationships, and societal issues. Bands in this genre often incorporate elements of post-rock and screamo, creating a unique and powerful sound.

Most popular skramz artists

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Parent Genre: metal

Sub genres

Related genres

Instruments used

Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Skramz genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 181
2024 18
2023 72
2022 29
2021 32
2020 30
2010s 195
2019 33
2018 37
2017 24
2016 13
2015 23
2014 7
2013 13
2012 26
2011 11
2010 8
2000s 102
2009 9
2008 10
2007 10
2006 7
2005 16
2004 7
2003 14
2002 11
2001 11
2000 7
1990s 23
1999 6
1998 6
1997 5
1996 1
1995 2
1993 1
1992 2
501 releases

Popular skramz Songs

Top New skramz Songs of 2024

skramz music by decade

Explore skramz history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of skramz artists

Here is a list of skramz artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the skramz genre. You can find out what skramz genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 36 42750
2 27 30562
3 38 43837
4 31 31851
5 18 12355
6 24 17553
7 26 24196
8 30 23986
9 19 7198
10 29 8395
11 29 8593
12 33 12944
13 27 7423
14 30 9432
15 22 28573
16 24 15585
17 23 7188
18 17 4738
19 22 11729
20 27 12730
21 21 23476
22 23 5222
23 27 15834
24 31 14970
25 15 2794
26 31 13296
27 13 3148
28 20 12677
29 25 8521
30 24 12907
31 24 7649
32 21 9540
33 17 6576
34 18 9343
35 22 12623
36 15 5801
37 16 6372
38 33 37538
39 20 20690
40 21 4912
41 21 7027
42 20 6754
43 20 4801
44 14 1439
45 18 6233
46 12 3304
47 13 7339
48 18 8342
49 14 3101
50 26 13944
51 12 2613
52 20 6707
53 16 6249
54 15 2171
55 13 1387
56 34 19753
57 12 2549
58 23 1763
59 23 3733
60 28 20374
61 22 16061
62 21 11563
63 20 15667
64 13 8794
65 18 9751
66 31 12160
67 15 6388
68 14 5465
69 27 9217
70 16 6210
71 16 11144
72 18 9005
73 20 9529
74 12 3386
75 14 1393
76 16 13555
77 20 8344
78 17 8109
79 24 7457
80 23 5029
81 22 3515
82 21 10115
83 14 4298
84 22 5204
85 21 66636
86 16 6855
87 16 9679
88 14 2361
89 12 7831
90 13 4534
91 14 2912
92 13 1446
93 13 5304
94 13 4997
95 13 3270
96 13 3026
97 12 1616
98 12 1682
99 12 4345
100 11 1499

skramz playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular skramz music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.