
Genre: slamming deathcore

Play genre

Slamming deathcore is a subgenre of extreme metal that combines elements of death metal, hardcore punk, and slam. It is characterized by heavy, downtuned guitars, blast beats, breakdowns, and guttural vocals. The lyrics often deal with themes of violence, death, and brutality. Bands in this genre typically have a high level of technical proficiency and incorporate complex rhythms and time signatures. Slamming deathcore has gained a dedicated following in the underground metal scene and is known for its intense live performances.

Most popular slamming deathcore artists

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Parent Genre: metal

Related genres

Instruments used

Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Slamming Deathcore genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 207
2024 31
2023 63
2022 45
2021 45
2020 23
2010s 127
2019 43
2018 25
2017 17
2016 10
2015 16
2014 8
2013 3
2012 2
2011 2
2010 1
2000s 5
2009 1
2008 3
2006 1
339 releases

Popular slamming deathcore Songs

Top New slamming deathcore Songs of 2024

slamming deathcore music by decade

Explore slamming deathcore history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of slamming deathcore artists

Here is a list of slamming deathcore artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the slamming deathcore genre. You can find out what slamming deathcore genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 44 83021
2 46 141223
3 38 69545
4 40 74622
5 29 40472
6 52 194786
7 52 209504
8 37 37929
9 48 175058
10 46 80358
11 27 26889
12 32 53988
13 26 32666
14 43 105140
15 20 16911
16 60 767031
17 41 100861
18 38 98048
19 58 187906
20 39 74707
21 28 24514
22 22 5496
23 20 9320
24 12 6523
25 16 7170
26 16 13514
27 10 4902
28 7 4553
29 13 6430
30 34 27965
31 10 4736
32 8 2780
33 6 4079
34 4 3715
35 2 1471
36 2 1307
37 2 1907
38 24 12988
39 18 11481
40 17 4259
41 13 2550
42 9 3636
43 13 3712
44 13 2262
45 13 3957
46 12 2272
47 5 3812
48 4 1644
49 8 1244
50 2 3211
51 7 1108
52 5 1962
53 6 2655
54 5 2070
55 2 1803
56 4 3
57 3 1585
58 4 1001
59 4 850
60 3 1656
61 3 1509
62 3 1276
63 3 1789
64 1 443
65 2 1361
66 2 1529
67 2 1454
68 2 1889
69 2 1064
70 1 1370
71 1 729
72 1 329
73 1 998
74 1 1594

slamming deathcore playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular slamming deathcore music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.