
Genre: slovenian pop

Play genre

Parent Genre: pop

Slovenian pop music is a diverse genre that combines elements of traditional folk music with modern pop beats. It often features catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms, with lyrics that touch on themes of love, relationships, and personal growth. Some artists in this genre incorporate electronic and hip-hop influences, while others draw inspiration from the country's rich musical heritage. Overall, Slovenian pop music is a vibrant and dynamic genre that continues to evolve and captivate audiences both at home and abroad.

Most popular slovenian pop artists

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Popular slovenian pop Songs

Top New slovenian pop Songs of 2024

slovenian pop music by decade

Explore slovenian pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of slovenian pop artists

Here is a list of slovenian pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the slovenian pop genre. You can find out what slovenian pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 33 13099
2 23 6742
3 32 17550
4 29 16267
5 28 11133
6 26 6744
7 22 1586
8 23 1813
9 23 3036
10 22 2781
11 19 6469
12 20 2441
13 20 2009
14 19 2946
15 19 3484
16 18 4209
17 18 3073
18 18 4627
19 56 290490
20 17 4313
21 17 6145
22 17 1009
23 17 2541
24 16 3292
25 16 1220
26 15 780
27 13 2748
28 13 3227
29 13 476
30 13 2525
31 13 592
32 12 1100
33 12 1494
34 11 1191
35 11 2968
36 11 1127
37 11 1727
38 11 1184
39 11 1124
40 10 945
41 10 314
42 32 10470
43 33 15201
44 40 3397
45 27 5816
46 24 8222
47 23 4102
48 26 6235
49 24 2810
50 34 3431
51 30 13131
52 23 8155
53 30 6305
54 29 6609
55 18 6402
56 22 4865
57 24 9092
58 24 6017
59 23 4093
60 23 262
61 21 9740
62 22 4306
63 17 4767
64 21 3021
65 20 5572
66 19 2541
67 19 1120
68 19 4204
69 18 2020
70 18 3975
71 18 1640
72 17 3428
73 17 5613
74 16 3351
75 11 932
76 15 600
77 15 701
78 15 2244
79 15 375
80 15 2581
81 14 883
82 14 1028
83 14 4404
84 13 1308
85 13 516
86 13 397
87 12 751
88 12 1036
89 12 205
90 11 509
91 11 524
92 11 985
93 11 687
94 11 1403
95 10 710
96 10 1103
97 10 479
98 10 361
99 10 177
100 10 940

slovenian pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular slovenian pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.