
Genre: slowed and reverb

Play genre

Slowed and reverb is a music genre that involves slowing down the tempo of a song and adding reverb effects to create a dreamy and atmospheric sound. This genre is often associated with lo-fi and chill music, and is popular among fans of hip-hop, R&B, and electronic music. The slowed and reverb style is characterized by its ethereal and introspective vibe, with lyrics and melodies that are often melancholic and introspective. Artists who specialize in this genre often use creative sound design techniques to create a unique and immersive listening experience.

Most popular slowed and reverb artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Slowed And Reverb genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1269
2024 99
2023 363
2022 281
2021 334
2020 192
2010s 88
2019 40
2018 30
2017 12
2016 4
2015 1
2010 1
2000s 5
2009 1
2008 1
2006 1
2004 1
2000 1
1990s 10
1999 3
1998 1
1995 6
1372 releases

Popular slowed and reverb Songs

Top New slowed and reverb Songs of 2024

slowed and reverb music by decade

Explore slowed and reverb history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of slowed and reverb artists

Here is a list of slowed and reverb artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the slowed and reverb genre. You can find out what slowed and reverb genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 69 71643
2 63 56201
3 62 45235
4 66 843124
5 62 37222
6 62 64377
7 63 7075
8 63 148206
9 63 40799
10 60 72963
11 50 88061
12 48 26837
13 45 10728
14 51 5090
15 50 29111
16 42 10782
17 48 13452
18 47 48956
19 46 9228
20 45 14754
21 45 8479
22 44 10451
23 44 113287
24 44 14774
25 44 27518
26 42 13262
27 42 14625
28 42 3785
29 41 8179
30 41 14697
31 41 2227
32 40 29897
33 40 1102
34 39 916
35 38 9458
36 38 9365
37 38 14906
38 38 21572
39 37 12880
40 37 12125
41 35 5477
42 35 3634
43 35 6745
44 35 8511
45 33 9202
46 33 1775
47 33 6205
48 33 23494
49 32 4130
50 32 13312
51 32 6261
52 32 5424
53 30 4662
54 30 2918
55 29 7264
56 22 10854
57 28 10133
58 28 2238
59 27 4084
60 27 3832
61 27 5619
62 27 6843
63 26 2466
64 24 9477
65 24 1721
66 23 36150
67 23 1053
68 22 1113
69 22 1749
70 22 661
71 22 1154
72 22 513
73 22 3330
74 21 1941
75 21 1103
76 21 2137
77 21 477
78 20 8283
79 20 252
80 20 3478
81 18 1583
82 18 1075
83 18 13290
84 17 734
85 17 3066
86 17 1155
87 16 2030
88 16 167
89 16 467
90 16 11257
91 15 384
92 15 54
93 15 1010
94 14 1536
95 14 7085
96 14 4577
97 14 485
98 13 622
99 13 3787
100 12 2227

slowed and reverb playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular slowed and reverb music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.