
Genre soft rock

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Soft rock is a genre of music that emerged in the 1970s and is characterized by its mellow and easy-listening sound. It typically features acoustic guitars, smooth vocals, and gentle rhythms. Soft rock often incorporates elements of folk, pop, and country music. It is known for its sentimental lyrics and emotional themes, often focusing on love, relationships, and personal experiences. Some of the most popular soft rock bands include Fleetwood Mac, Eagles, and Bee Gees. (AI Generated)

Most popular soft rock artists

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Parent Genre: rock

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Instruments used

Vocals, Drum Kit, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Fiddle, Pedal Steel Guitar, Piano, Bass Synthesizer, Organ, Drum Machine, Sequencer, Sampler, Horn Section, Double Bass

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Soft Rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 751
2025 5
2024 143
2023 200
2022 150
2021 122
2020 131
2010s 941
2019 130
2018 117
2017 82
2016 79
2015 66
2014 110
2013 81
2012 79
2011 94
2010 103
2000s 766
2009 95
2008 87
2007 83
2006 74
2005 115
2004 75
2003 69
2002 67
2001 48
2000 53
1990s 579
1999 64
1998 57
1997 60
1996 60
1995 50
1994 41
1993 81
1992 49
1991 65
1990 52
1980s 706
1989 68
1988 72
1987 70
1986 54
1985 63
1984 62
1983 69
1982 81
1981 79
1980 88
1970s 691
1979 71
1978 82
1977 87
1976 82
1975 77
1974 63
1973 63
1972 70
1971 49
1970 47
1960s 136
1969 40
1968 36
1967 30
1966 11
1965 9
1964 8
1963 2
4570 releases

soft rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular soft rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular soft rock Songs

Top New soft rock Songs of 2024

soft rock music by decade

Explore soft rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of soft rock artists

Here is a list of soft rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the soft rock genre. You can find out what soft rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 62 1678629
2 67 1424227
3 57 1061725
4 62 1580473
5 60 873658
6 65 1199017
7 65 1173697
8 70 2199466
9 58 1249448
10 68 2865179
11 60 1274835
12 64 2471100
13 63 1159754
14 54 644073
15 71 3409300
16 63 1650877
17 56 1044885
18 63 1246638
19 63 1058724
20 63 1226965
21 62 1264632
22 58 1006013
23 66 3038153
24 53 946064
25 57 718159
26 62 477381
27 61 545156
28 71 5040665
29 60 391866
30 52 461981
31 55 595005
32 67 2573252
33 63 1685217
34 53 186232
35 64 1361384
36 62 813164
37 55 411447
38 62 497489
39 54 484105
40 68 1689820
41 62 393450
42 61 913281
43 75 4189631
44 55 549439
45 64 2722595
46 81 12730540
47 71 3007705
48 73 5254721
49 63 412612
50 75 11433380
51 68 2208649
52 65 2747532
53 68 1260353
54 59 652751
55 56 766641
56 53 428614
57 54 785385
58 67 2669169
59 62 829407
60 59 1396927
61 56 442011
62 53 612019
63 69 1893925
64 60 997955
65 77 6666402
66 76 6571250
67 74 3308413
68 73 2636243
69 58 821342
70 72 5160740
71 71 3602626
72 70 4818326
73 69 4455339
74 69 4387591
75 66 1851140
76 66 1423946
77 57 167297
78 64 1105347
79 63 2357645
80 62 1670531
81 61 1082392
82 61 641221
83 57 396992
84 60 440597
85 58 1221371
86 58 368007
87 57 83192
88 57 720926
89 57 1084456
90 57 547724
91 56 581903
92 55 406051
93 54 68182
94 54 115263
95 54 778639
96 53 374701
97 52 154692
98 52 265954
99 52 806988
100 52 505029