
Genre: sorani pop

Play genre

Sorani pop music is a genre that originated in Kurdistan and is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy melodies, and electronic instrumentation. The lyrics often touch on themes of love, heartbreak, and social issues. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with its artists gaining international recognition for their unique sound and style. (AI Generated)

Most popular sorani pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Sorani Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 534
2024 43
2023 117
2022 178
2021 128
2020 68
2010s 195
2019 63
2018 40
2017 18
2016 6
2015 6
2014 14
2013 8
2012 10
2011 5
2010 25
2000s 84
2009 10
2008 14
2007 15
2006 6
2005 6
2004 12
2003 4
2002 7
2001 5
2000 5
1990s 24
1999 5
1998 5
1997 1
1996 1
1995 3
1993 3
1991 1
1990 5
1980s 15
1989 3
1988 4
1987 2
1986 2
1982 1
1981 2
1980 1
1970s 5
1979 1
1978 1
1976 1
1973 1
1970 1
1960s 8
1967 1
1966 3
1964 1
1963 2
1961 1
1950s 6
1959 1
1958 1
1957 1
1954 1
1953 1
1951 1
1940s 1
1946 1
1930s 1
1930 1
873 releases

Popular sorani pop Songs

Top New sorani pop Songs of 2024

sorani pop music by decade

Explore sorani pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of sorani pop artists

Here is a list of sorani pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the sorani pop genre. You can find out what sorani pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 39 30166
2 38 25885
3 31 19050
4 35 54723
5 34 19516
6 33 24277
7 28 19101
8 32 40942
9 26 16561
10 31 29090
11 31 19137
12 31 17075
13 31 17883
14 30 11864
15 30 14835
16 30 12230
17 28 31819
18 28 25178
19 27 19339
20 27 11598
21 27 22332
22 26 4660
23 26 25036
24 26 27675
25 26 35254
26 26 21353
27 26 56849
28 25 5785
29 25 22094
30 25 5817
31 25 25396
32 25 23201
33 25 3237
34 25 18267
35 25 9980
36 25 411
37 24 2197
38 24 15452
39 24 7214
40 24 28933
41 23 27832
42 23 3642
43 23 14264
44 22 9438
45 21 14997
46 21 9031
47 21 11392
48 21 20059
49 21 11354
50 21 7306
51 21 10743
52 20 4401
53 20 8699
54 20 7682
55 20 7845
56 20 8621
57 20 11174
58 19 2612
59 19 4869
60 19 7559
61 19 3570
62 19 4878
63 13 3693
64 17 2059
65 17 2328
66 17 4573
67 15 10883
68 16 3970
69 16 2653
70 15 5675
71 15 924
72 15 2828
73 15 2426
74 15 1171
75 15 11323
76 15 1328
77 15 2936
78 15 5010
79 14 14161
80 14 3470
81 14 2926
82 14 3125
83 14 6966
84 14 8390
85 14 3307
86 14 3372
87 14 3305
88 13 4895
89 13 1667
90 13 5500
91 13 2855
92 13 688
93 13 3508
94 13 1729
95 12 4227
96 12 3524
97 12 3581
98 12 3082
99 12 2133
100 11 2071

sorani pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular sorani pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.