
Genre space music

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Space music is a genre that evokes the vastness and mystery of the cosmos through ethereal and ambient soundscapes. It often features synthesizers, long, immersive instrumental tracks, and minimalistic compositions, creating an expansive auditory experience. This genre aims to transport listeners beyond the confines of Earth, inspiring a sense of wonder and contemplation of the universe. (AI Generated)

Most popular space music artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Space Music genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1928
2025 5
2024 411
2023 573
2022 362
2021 286
2020 291
2010s 1247
2019 194
2018 152
2017 151
2016 139
2015 113
2014 101
2013 119
2012 115
2011 93
2010 70
2000s 398
2009 68
2008 59
2007 52
2006 40
2005 33
2004 36
2003 26
2002 32
2001 35
2000 17
1990s 133
1999 13
1998 13
1997 16
1996 21
1995 17
1994 15
1993 12
1992 10
1991 8
1990 8
1980s 74
1989 10
1988 9
1987 7
1986 10
1985 6
1984 6
1983 10
1982 5
1981 6
1980 5
1970s 50
1979 7
1978 14
1977 8
1976 5
1975 5
1974 3
1973 2
1972 4
1971 1
1970 1
1960s 1
1969 1
1950s 1
1958 1
3832 releases

space music playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular space music music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular space music Songs

Top New space music Songs of 2024

space music music by decade

Explore space music history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of space music artists

Here is a list of space music artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the space music genre. You can find out what space music genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 36 42749
2 41 98455
3 38 71647
4 42 18660
5 38 25237
6 36 9344
7 36 2538
8 43 27842
9 34 4453
10 33 20097
11 47 182974
12 32 506
13 31 8829
14 34 12601
15 50 337495
16 36 8018
17 44 53495
18 40 32678
19 40 31310
20 40 4231
21 40 11507
22 46 171674
23 39 97705
24 33 10269
25 38 1501
26 31 6885
27 31 5428
28 33 37183
29 36 798
30 35 906
31 34 726
32 33 3119
33 33 559
34 32 24312
35 32 1173
36 35 6403
37 40 102262
38 47 2913
39 35 35108
40 44 4118
41 43 6442
42 41 111686
43 31 14016
44 33 8898
45 32 3514
46 39 4812
47 37 1660
48 35 936
49 33 1277
50 33 989
51 33 1816
52 33 15846
53 52 627961
54 51 46134
55 42 1965
56 32 2123
57 42 7410
58 40 12297
59 56 3643
60 38 28763
61 54 1447
62 49 48803
63 36 5230
64 35 12696
65 42 7550
66 44 29484
67 33 82068
68 43 8714
69 46 4660
70 45 476
71 44 28239
72 41 27517
73 40 12911
74 42 13131
75 41 229
76 40 3869
77 38 414
78 39 21670
79 39 284
80 38 22883
81 38 57358
82 38 228
83 38 1082
84 34 29504
85 37 6504
86 37 10634
87 32 10833
88 35 1053
89 32 9209
90 34 3219
91 34 4164
92 34 363
93 33 3814
94 33 13654
95 33 7098
96 32 460
97 31 44
98 31 2630
99 31 161
100 31 1677