
Genre: spectra

Play genre

Spectra is a music genre that blends ambient, experimental and electronic sounds to create a dreamy and atmospheric sound. It often features ethereal vocals, intricate soundscapes and a focus on texture and mood. The genre is characterized by its use of unconventional instrumentation and production techniques, resulting in a unique and otherworldly listening experience.

Most popular spectra artists

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Parent Genre: pop

Related genres

Instruments used

Piano, Harp, Drum Kit, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Trombone, Trumpet, Clarinet, French Horn, Oboe, Flute, Cello, Violin, Horn Section, Double Bass, Saxophone

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Spectra genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 683
2024 81
2023 173
2022 147
2021 147
2020 135
2010s 416
2019 99
2018 85
2017 53
2016 42
2015 38
2014 30
2013 24
2012 17
2011 17
2010 11
2000s 42
2009 6
2008 7
2007 6
2006 9
2005 5
2004 3
2003 1
2002 2
2001 1
2000 2
1990s 13
1999 1
1998 2
1997 3
1995 1
1994 1
1992 1
1991 1
1990 3
1980s 10
1989 1
1988 2
1987 1
1986 2
1985 1
1982 1
1981 2
1970s 1
1976 1
1960s 1
1967 1
1940s 1
1944 1
1167 releases

Popular spectra Songs

Top New spectra Songs of 2024

spectra music by decade

Explore spectra history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of spectra artists

Here is a list of spectra artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the spectra genre. You can find out what spectra genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 63 299781
2 42 67994
3 53 181997
4 42 55773
5 37 32666
6 44 128140
7 45 89399
8 39 75262
9 32 83910
10 43 86874
11 25 37033
12 38 127827
13 29 15119
14 43 128838
15 34 61308
16 40 19172
17 29 42970
18 35 67051
19 35 4713
20 22 54555
21 32 21740
22 32 75240
23 34 65552
24 35 22582
25 26 20685
26 23 20292
27 23 25266
28 46 184251
29 34 28697
30 24 14758
31 28 13984
32 60 238923
33 28 23805
34 28 37746
35 24 13252
36 27 41723
37 37 129336
38 44 17861
39 37 41481
40 52 65585
41 39 57620
42 30 24507
43 42 127059
44 40 29821
45 32 25877
46 36 27529
47 23 33003
48 37 98848
49 34 57469
50 35 14600
51 27 9918
52 32 51468
53 35 107180
54 34 48184
55 26 19243
56 36 44250
57 29 17895
58 37 945
59 33 76345
60 36 7870
61 34 13041
62 22 8968
63 28 11648
64 31 31943
65 32 19546
66 26 12169
67 33 4812
68 30 23693
69 28 16581
70 33 8036
71 32 7550
72 31 15177
73 31 28340
74 29 10948
75 25 1699
76 30 9919
77 30 2871
78 29 12969
79 21 10955
80 22 7076
81 26 34836
82 25 3010
83 21 5694
84 27 5340
85 27 1650
86 24 5883
87 26 11709
88 25 9519
89 23 10070
90 23 7875
91 24 4556
92 24 2033
93 24 7414
94 25 3317
95 23 9100
96 24 11331
97 24 8878
98 23 3119
99 23 9863
100 21 3188

spectra playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular spectra music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.