
Genre: stomp and holler

Play genre

Parent Genre: Folk/Acoustic

Stomp and holler is a music genre that blends folk, rock, and Americana elements to create an energetic and foot-stomping sound. The music typically features acoustic instruments such as banjos, guitars, and mandolins, as well as percussion instruments like drums and tambourines. The lyrics often tell stories of love, loss, and life experiences, and are delivered with powerful vocals and harmonies. The genre has gained popularity in recent years with the rise of bands that incorporate these elements into their music.

Most popular stomp and holler artists

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Related genres

Related instruments

Piano, Banjo, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica, Fiddle, Pedal Steel Guitar

Popular stomp and holler Songs

Top New stomp and holler Songs of 2024

Most popular stomp and holler albums

Sigh No More
Mt. Joy
My Head Is An Animal
Oh, Inverted World (20th Anniversary Remaster)
Gossip in the Grain
The Weatherman
The Head And The Heart
Strange Trails
Fleet Foxes

stomp and holler music by decade

Explore stomp and holler history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of stomp and holler artists

Here is a list of stomp and holler artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the stomp and holler genre. You can find out what stomp and holler genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 64 1341907
2 56 177423
3 60 993913
4 64 1083657
5 51 219814
6 54 56254
7 60 976968
8 47 88378
9 52 231190
10 55 788232
11 59 535845
12 56 388656
13 56 298139
14 46 163978
15 65 1128402
16 49 127941
17 54 424987
18 52 164153
19 46 176236
20 62 1165124
21 60 623924
22 47 244766
23 48 123084
24 55 230979
25 45 101565
26 56 588156
27 49 136212
28 63 526153
29 47 87243
30 50 165130
31 51 630312
32 69 765176
33 57 644325
34 63 1011854
35 76 1534471
36 45 183445
37 70 888654
38 71 816556
39 54 600150
40 51 122193
41 41 51831
42 56 986561
43 69 581434
44 60 384908
45 57 583937
46 49 113444
47 52 541929
48 52 265374
49 46 216183
50 62 315906
51 78 5341939
52 56 592020
53 58 383188
54 47 142116
55 51 72427
56 51 214406
57 72 6360818
58 51 251920
59 52 108018
60 49 223626
61 59 742605
62 44 158113
63 60 859978
64 46 102789
65 46 116394
66 45 204393
67 49 79955
68 68 3468022
69 67 1554374
70 41 62924
71 49 211815
72 52 149949
73 62 491895
74 62 1075138
75 44 92650
76 63 116491
77 70 485364
78 48 185675
79 56 272121
80 59 470533
81 42 126729
82 55 303811
83 63 1013552
84 51 273609
85 57 156825
86 49 157311
87 60 169954
88 47 100734
89 46 97853
90 43 91677
91 50 17888
92 48 62297
93 51 38839
94 50 457318
95 49 150262
96 43 63140
97 46 79416
98 46 76926
99 43 180269
100 42 66997

stomp and holler playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular stomp and holler music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.