
Genre: strut

Play genre

Strut music is a genre that combines elements of pop, dance, and electronic music. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, catchy hooks, and empowering lyrics that encourage self-confidence and self-expression. The genre is often associated with the LGBTQ+ community and is known for its flamboyant and theatrical performances. Strut music has gained popularity in recent years, with artists incorporating elements of the genre into their music.

Most popular strut artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Strut genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 462
2024 66
2023 114
2022 106
2021 102
2020 74
2010s 340
2019 60
2018 62
2017 33
2016 49
2015 31
2014 23
2013 29
2012 19
2011 19
2010 15
2000s 37
2009 19
2008 4
2007 3
2006 4
2005 3
2004 4
1990s 8
1999 1
1997 2
1996 1
1994 1
1993 2
1992 1
847 releases

Popular strut Songs

Top New strut Songs of 2024

strut music by decade

Explore strut history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of strut artists

Here is a list of strut artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the strut genre. You can find out what strut genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 56 742322
2 53 420248
3 49 55249
4 44 155568
5 44 40841
6 40 18536
7 39 164302
8 40 9994
9 40 28969
10 33 145993
11 38 16396
12 38 2445
13 37 100315
14 37 5462
15 37 19797
16 36 11979
17 36 51361
18 36 165281
19 34 15307
20 34 10870
21 33 13293
22 30 36206
23 32 40017
24 32 40174
25 31 41565
26 30 1134
27 30 7389
28 30 35603
29 30 2483
30 27 11309
31 28 27831
32 29 12579
33 29 3843
34 29 11229
35 28 5042
36 28 4644
37 28 54638
38 28 61492
39 28 36189
40 27 7814
41 27 39174
42 22 33818
43 26 20132
44 26 7481
45 26 4781
46 26 4466
47 25 6049
48 24 4273
49 18 30648
50 22 31624
51 23 7581
52 23 3529
53 23 48077
54 23 1757
55 22 3560
56 22 1240
57 21 21207
58 21 8028
59 20 32104
60 20 1652
61 20 2734
62 18 6912
63 15 9229
64 20 3150
65 17 3931
66 19 13219
67 19 6593
68 19 909
69 19 8356
70 19 12453
71 13 1838
72 18 880
73 18 10453
74 18 3746
75 17 3166
76 17 8789
77 17 3991
78 17 2556
79 17 9359
80 16 19715
81 16 3614
82 16 1864
83 16 14778
84 16 2769
85 16 2626
86 16 4702
87 16 1881
88 16 9606
89 16 5336
90 16 1345
91 15 1507
92 15 18602
93 15 6156
94 15 738
95 15 12928
96 15 22870
97 14 2215
98 14 389
99 14 2458
100 14 845

strut playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular strut music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.