
Genre sufi

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Sufi music is a genre that originated in the Islamic world and is characterized by its spiritual and mystical themes. It often features repetitive melodies and lyrics that are meant to induce a trance-like state in the listener. The genre is known for its use of traditional instruments such as the tabla and harmonium, as well as its incorporation of elements from other musical styles. Sufi music has gained popularity in recent years, with many contemporary artists incorporating it into their work. (AI Generated)

Most popular sufi artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Sufi genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2892
2025 4
2024 359
2023 852
2022 723
2021 506
2020 448
2010s 2167
2019 367
2018 334
2017 223
2016 227
2015 219
2014 183
2013 178
2012 167
2011 147
2010 122
2000s 1013
2009 128
2008 99
2007 111
2006 123
2005 91
2004 100
2003 93
2002 97
2001 89
2000 82
1990s 483
1999 80
1998 54
1997 40
1996 39
1995 31
1994 56
1993 52
1992 42
1991 35
1990 54
1980s 157
1989 12
1988 20
1987 15
1986 8
1985 15
1984 17
1983 19
1982 22
1981 20
1980 9
1970s 66
1979 9
1978 11
1977 9
1976 11
1975 12
1974 4
1973 1
1972 1
1971 2
1970 6
1960s 8
1969 1
1968 3
1966 1
1965 1
1960 2
1950s 4
1958 1
1955 2
1952 1
1940s 4
1947 2
1946 2
1900s 2
1905 2
6796 releases

sufi playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular sufi music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular sufi Songs

Top New sufi Songs of 2024

sufi music by decade

Explore sufi history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of sufi artists

Here is a list of sufi artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the sufi genre. You can find out what sufi genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 74 24654566
2 78 31753167
3 72 11610579
4 68 2406908
5 72 374397
6 66 3486016
7 56 3115814
8 63 254239
9 62 730040
10 55 425256
11 59 994259
12 58 192288
13 61 1068534
14 62 5728738
15 68 8502336
16 75 11531224
17 65 3249718
18 87 45236864
19 58 63731
20 61 175253
21 61 280231
22 79 59187316
23 54 751206
24 66 199754
25 75 11590158
26 52 368515
27 72 6775571
28 47 12272
29 47 12868
30 68 294122
31 67 4627162
32 67 7746175
33 65 477288
34 63 235089
35 62 220025
36 52 468945
37 61 148009
38 60 1739118
39 48 119312
40 51 337367
41 54 570935
42 53 19066
43 60 33010
44 49 1256804
45 58 2193214
46 57 79028
47 63 4240217
48 62 108368
49 51 78927
50 48 97261
51 59 6397820
52 64 3644606
53 47 51215
54 53 187099
55 50 342600
56 54 288129
57 48 70057
58 44 26175
59 45 611531
60 53 1207632
61 51 1902951
62 51 231736
63 50 1646353
64 44 11340
65 49 41853
66 51 34574
67 45 7527
68 45 3974
69 44 212183
70 52 33421
71 49 1223733
72 57 304921
73 43 91409
74 56 3786
75 57 1873991
76 51 429729
77 51 61612
78 50 178170
79 48 632150
80 47 75398
81 46 29811
82 46 228952
83 45 751019
84 45 20076
85 47 90709
86 47 26147
87 46 3600
88 46 29806
89 46 411881
90 45 178973
91 51 668547
92 43 71489
93 46 71453
94 61 2613633
95 48 726979
96 52 631131
97 51 15273
98 46 80367
99 45 9148
100 44 6042