
Genre: super eurobeat

Play genre

Super Eurobeat is a high-energy dance music genre that originated in Japan in the 1980s. It is characterized by fast-paced beats, catchy melodies, and electronic synthesizers. The music is often associated with the racing scene and is popular in clubs and at parties. Super Eurobeat has a loyal following around the world and has influenced many other genres of dance music.

Most popular super eurobeat artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Super Eurobeat genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 223
2024 13
2023 35
2022 57
2021 34
2020 84
2010s 256
2019 94
2018 39
2017 13
2016 10
2015 18
2014 19
2013 28
2012 7
2011 14
2010 14
2000s 141
2009 13
2008 15
2007 14
2006 11
2005 12
2004 12
2003 9
2002 13
2001 20
2000 22
1990s 130
1999 11
1998 19
1997 16
1996 16
1995 15
1994 19
1993 13
1992 9
1991 8
1990 4
1980s 6
1989 1
1986 4
1982 1
1970s 4
1979 1
1976 1
1975 1
1973 1
760 releases

Popular super eurobeat Songs

Top New super eurobeat Songs of 2024

super eurobeat music by decade

Explore super eurobeat history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of super eurobeat artists

Here is a list of super eurobeat artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the super eurobeat genre. You can find out what super eurobeat genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 49 22454
2 48 14449
3 45 9267
4 40 6323
5 39 6820
6 38 3856
7 37 3561
8 34 4187
9 34 1601
10 33 2442
11 32 5345
12 32 2548
13 30 3060
14 29 1740
15 50 36896
16 28 581
17 46 18801
18 24 665
19 23 981
20 22 2044
21 20 721
22 19 524
23 40 4762
24 18 532
25 39 3787
26 39 6240
27 39 1538
28 38 2042
29 37 5743
30 37 4090
31 36 1397
32 35 1965
33 35 1325
34 35 2737
35 34 3232
36 34 918
37 33 1148
38 33 866
39 32 711
40 32 4678
41 31 1308
42 31 398
43 31 51
44 30 656
45 30 818
46 30 1784
47 30 1489
48 30 1015
49 29 922
50 29 938
51 28 814
52 28 1703
53 28 604
54 28 626
55 27 1552
56 27 784
57 27 824
58 27 508
59 27 975
60 27 2639
61 25 1997
62 26 7493
63 26 2738
64 26 514
65 26 2172
66 25 2586
67 25 694
68 25 455
69 25 578
70 25 5458
71 25 1157
72 24 229
73 24 451
74 24 651
75 23 801
76 23 3035
77 23 2897
78 23 735
79 22 667
80 22 205
81 22 667
82 21 1334
83 21 1043
84 21 382
85 21 942
86 21 1420
87 21 458
88 21 2159
89 21 1273
90 20 2283
91 20 281
92 20 237
93 20 1401
94 20 1861
95 19 165
96 19 125
97 19 394
98 18 472
99 18 296
100 18 698

super eurobeat playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular super eurobeat music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.