
Genre surf rock

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Surf rock is an upbeat and energetic genre of music that emerged in the early 1960s, characterized by its vibrant guitar rhythms and use of reverb to create an "oceanic" sound that evokes the feeling of riding waves. The genre often incorporates elements of instrumental rock and is defined by its electric guitar-driven melodies, rolling drum patterns, and a catchy, danceable beat. Surf rock's sound reflects the carefree, sun-soaked spirit of beach culture and continues to resonate with fans for its nostalgic and lively appeal. (AI Generated)

Most popular surf rock artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Surf Rock genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2018
2025 12
2024 351
2023 605
2022 396
2021 306
2020 348
2010s 1768
2019 348
2018 298
2017 242
2016 167
2015 190
2014 111
2013 141
2012 92
2011 85
2010 94
2000s 430
2009 62
2008 53
2007 45
2006 60
2005 63
2004 31
2003 31
2002 39
2001 22
2000 24
1990s 209
1999 31
1998 31
1997 20
1996 32
1995 22
1994 21
1993 14
1992 12
1991 8
1990 18
1980s 61
1989 13
1988 4
1987 7
1986 9
1985 9
1984 5
1983 7
1982 2
1981 2
1980 3
1970s 19
1979 2
1978 2
1977 4
1975 2
1974 1
1973 1
1972 2
1971 2
1970 3
1960s 153
1969 1
1968 3
1967 6
1966 16
1965 14
1964 21
1963 27
1962 28
1961 19
1960 18
1950s 27
1959 11
1958 12
1957 3
1954 1
1940s 1
1944 1
1890s 1
1899 1
4687 releases

surf rock playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular surf rock music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular surf rock Songs

Top New surf rock Songs of 2024

surf rock music by decade

Explore surf rock history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of surf rock artists

Here is a list of surf rock artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the surf rock genre. You can find out what surf rock genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 74 3954682
2 51 245781
3 48 332973
4 64 1122590
5 38 70212
6 62 615023
7 45 207920
8 36 41946
9 51 90359
10 37 49568
11 59 1035259
12 59 245494
13 59 320145
14 42 34540
15 52 305287
16 41 246424
17 58 843366
18 42 140356
19 41 105767
20 41 129875
21 47 123915
22 57 646547
23 52 568574
24 40 110316
25 47 239953
26 52 145967
27 52 293629
28 54 398897
29 37 118081
30 53 370980
31 36 53092
32 44 117094
33 48 199317
34 35 16479
35 46 408094
36 35 27553
37 51 115684
38 51 160240
39 51 35940
40 50 38388
41 42 80382
42 47 144001
43 45 80988
44 49 18719
45 49 52729
46 47 250677
47 48 220127
48 48 50299
49 47 32650
50 47 13882
51 47 27561
52 47 57579
53 47 158753
54 46 173331
55 46 40594
56 46 151772
57 46 74862
58 41 108863
59 39 10594
60 45 131586
61 45 118913
62 45 116900
63 45 37517
64 45 32108
65 42 60246
66 44 22628
67 44 108135
68 44 34376
69 43 38694
70 43 324592
71 43 30049
72 38 55827
73 34 66029
74 42 32331
75 42 55599
76 42 51514
77 42 73021
78 42 26830
79 41 24788
80 41 51767
81 41 61919
82 41 46536
83 36 37250
84 40 7447
85 40 11930
86 40 30642
87 38 119400
88 37 419
89 36 111588
90 38 9177
91 38 7778
92 37 25251
93 37 85344
94 36 31272
95 36 16120
96 36 34889
97 35 15116
98 35 34348
99 34 18381
100 34 6900