
Genre: swahili gospel

Play genre

Swahili gospel music is a genre that combines traditional African rhythms and melodies with Christian lyrics. It is characterized by its uplifting and inspirational messages, which are delivered through powerful vocals and energetic instrumentation. This genre has gained popularity in East Africa and has produced many talented artists who have become household names. The music is often performed by choirs and solo artists, and it has become an important part of the religious and cultural landscape in the region.

Most popular swahili gospel artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Swahili Gospel genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 239
2024 14
2023 73
2022 59
2021 56
2020 37
2010s 217
2019 29
2018 35
2017 21
2016 21
2015 48
2014 10
2013 38
2012 7
2011 3
2010 5
2000s 15
2009 3
2008 3
2007 3
2006 1
2005 1
2004 1
2003 1
2002 1
2001 1
1990s 1
1997 1
472 releases

Popular swahili gospel Songs

Top New swahili gospel Songs of 2024

swahili gospel music by decade

Explore swahili gospel history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of swahili gospel artists

Here is a list of swahili gospel artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the swahili gospel genre. You can find out what swahili gospel genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 41 335927
2 34 87178
3 34 57354
4 33 30203
5 29 47375
6 32 34254
7 32 55961
8 32 6901
9 32 132593
10 31 53863
11 31 28048
12 31 46301
13 31 63149
14 30 97456
15 30 103663
16 30 45313
17 30 63547
18 29 28352
19 28 31904
20 28 57618
21 28 45962
22 27 86760
23 27 10529
24 27 19901
25 27 91188
26 27 49912
27 27 16537
28 27 29868
29 26 66463
30 26 72391
31 26 25008
32 25 6075
33 25 35979
34 25 8867
35 25 59699
36 25 24391
37 25 31147
38 21 8549
39 23 55320
40 23 3584
41 23 14031
42 22 10521
43 22 40378
44 22 19079
45 22 34742
46 22 9883
47 18 11770
48 20 5278
49 20 22893
50 19 10037
51 17 3231
52 18 28284
53 17 26338
54 17 2681
55 17 5517
56 16 2335
57 16 7115
58 16 32311
59 15 19307
60 15 15341
61 15 19347
62 14 4465
63 13 9271
64 13 3709
65 13 1697
66 13 6101
67 12 1295
68 12 4858
69 12 4141
70 11 37046
71 11 1986
72 10 1504
73 10 8107
74 10 12720
75 8 7566
76 6 680
77 5 2809
78 5 76
79 4 67
80 2 6332
81 2 445
82 2 132
83 1 618
84 1 727

swahili gospel playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular swahili gospel music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.